Appendix C to Part 1136 - Terms and Conditions for OAR Article III, “Remedies and Termination”  

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  • Appendix C to Part 1136 - Terms and Conditions for OAR Article III, “Remedies and Termination”

    As required by § 1136.305, a DoD Component's general terms and conditions must use the following wording for OAR Article III.

    OAR Article III. Remedies and Termination. (DECEMBER 2014)

    Section A. Non-compliance with award terms and conditions . If you fail to comply with a term or condition of this award or an applicable Federal statute or regulation, we may amend this award to impose award-specific conditions, as described in OMB guidance in 2 CFR 200.207. If imposing award-specific conditions, we will notify you before modifying the award and, once you have corrected the non-compliance, promptly remove the award-specific conditions. If we determine that the imposition of award-specific conditions is insufficient to correct the non-compliance or the non-compliance remains uncorrected despite the use of award-specific conditions, we may consider taking one or more of the remedies specified in Section B of this article.

    Section B. Remedies for noncompliance.

    1. If you fail to comply with a term or condition of this award or an applicable Federal statute or regulation, we may take one or more of the following actions that we deem appropriate to the circumstances:

    a. Temporarily withhold cash payments pending:

    i. Your correction of the deficiency; or

    ii. Our taking more severe enforcement action.

    b. Disallow (that is, deny both use of funds and any applicable cost-sharing or matching credit for) all or part of the cost of the activity or action not in compliance;

    c. Suspend or, in accordance with paragraph C.1.a.i of this article, terminate this award, in whole or in part (suspension of an award is a separate and distinct action from suspension of a person under 2 CFR parts 180 and 1125, as noted in paragraph B.3 of this article);

    d. Withhold further awards to you for the project or program that is not in compliance;

    e. Take any other action legally available to us under the circumstances.

    2. You may raise an objection to our taking any remedy we take under paragraph B.1 of this section and will be given an opportunity to provide information and documentation challenging the action. The procedures are those specified in OAR Article IV for claims and disputes.

    3. Our use of any remedy under paragraph B.1 of this section, including suspension or termination of the award, does not preclude our referring the noncompliance to a suspension and debarment official and asking that official to consider initiating a suspension or debarment action under 2 CFR part 1125, the DoD implementation of OMB guidance at 2 CFR part 180.

    Section C. Termination.

    1. This award may be terminated in whole or in part as follows:

    a. Unilaterally by the Federal Government. We will provide a notice of termination if we unilaterally terminate this award in whole or in part, which we may do for either of the following reasons:

    i. Your material failure to comply with the award terms and conditions. If we terminate the award for that reason, we will report the termination to the OMB-designated integrity and performance system (currently FAPIIS). In accordance with 41 U.S.C. 2313, each Federal awarding official must review and consider the information in the OMB-designated integrity and performance system with regard to any proposal or offer before awarding a grant or contract.

    ii. The program office does not have funding for an upcoming increment if this award is incrementally funded. In that case, the Federal Government's financial obligation does not exceed the amount currently obligated under the award.

    b. By mutual agreement. With your consent, we may terminate this award, in whole or in part, for any reason. In that case, you and we must agree to:

    i. The termination conditions, including the effective date; and

    ii. In the case of a partial termination, the portion to be terminated.

    c. Unilaterally by the recipient. You may unilaterally terminate this award, in whole or in part, by sending us written notification that states:

    i. The reasons for the termination;

    ii. The effective date; and

    iii. In the case of partial termination, the portion to be terminated. In that case, however, we may terminate the award in its entirety if we determine that the remaining portion of the award will not accomplish the purposes for which we made the award.

    2. If this award is terminated in its entirety before the end of the performance period, you must complete the closeout actions for which you are responsible under OAR Article VI. The due date for each action is to be measured relative to the date of termination.

    3. If this award is only partially terminated before the end of the performance period, with a reduced or modified portion of the award continuing through the end of the performance period, then closeout actions will occur at the end of the performance period as specified in OAR Article VI.

    4. You will continue to have all of the post-closeout responsibilities that OAR Article VII specifies for you if this award is wholly or partially terminated before the end of the performance period.

    Section D. Effects of suspension or termination of the award on allowability of costs. If we suspend or terminate this award prior to the end of the period of performance, costs resulting from obligations that you incurred:

    1. Before the effective date of the suspension or termination are allowable if:

    a. You properly incurred those obligations;

    b. You did not incur the obligations in anticipation of the suspension or termination;

    c. In the case of termination, the costs resulted from obligations that were noncancellable after the termination; and

    d. The costs would have been allowable if we had not suspended or terminated the award and it had expired normally at the end of the period of performance.

    2. During the suspension or after the termination are not allowable unless we expressly authorize them, either in the notice of suspension or termination or subsequently.