Appendix F to Part 1138 - Terms and Conditions for SUB Article VI, “Procurement Procedures to Include in Subawards”  

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  • Appendix F to Part 1138 - Terms and Conditions for SUB Article VI, “Procurement Procedures to Include in Subawards”

    Unless modified as provided in § 1138.5, a DoD Component's general terms and conditions must use the following wording for SUB Article VI.

    SUB Article VI. Procurement Procedures To Include in Subawards. (DECEMBER 2014)

    Section A. Purposes of this article in relation to other articles.

    1. This article specifies administrative requirements concerning procurement procedures that you must include in the terms and conditions of each cost-type subaward that you make under this award.

    2. It thereby addresses the flow down to subrecipients of requirements with which you must comply under PROC Articles I through III of this award.

    3. SUB Article XII of this award addresses which of these administrative requirements you must include in any fixed-amount subaward that you make, if you are authorized to make fixed-amount subawards under this award.

    Section B. Subaward to a State. In any subaward that you make to a State, you must include the requirements of PROC Article I and applicable sections of PROC Article III of this award.

    Section C. Subaward to an institution of higher education, nonprofit organization, local government, or Indian tribe. In any subaward that you make to an institution of higher education, nonprofit organization, local government, or Indian tribe:

    1. You must include the requirements of Sections A through G of PROC Article II and applicable sections of PROC Article III of this award.

    2. You must include the requirement for the subrecipient to make available to you, upon request:

    a. Technical specifications of proposed procurements, under the conditions described in OMB guidance at 2 CFR 200.324(a); and

    b. Other procurement documents for pre-procurement review, under the conditions described in OMB guidance at 2 CFR 200.324(b).

    3. If it is possible that, under a subaward you make, the subrecipient may award a construction or facility improvement contract with a value in excess of the simplified acquisition threshold, you must include provisions in the subaward to require the subrecipient to comply with at least the minimum requirements for bidders' bid guarantees and contractors' performance and payment bonds described in 2 CFR 200.325(a) through (c), unless you determine that the subrecipient's bonding policy and requirements are adequate to protect Federal interests.

    Section D. Subaward to a for-profit entity. In any subaward you make to a for-profit entity, you must include the requirements in 32 CFR 34.31.