Part 1138 - Requirements Related to Subawards: General Award Terms and Conditions  

§ 1138.1 - Purpose of this part.
§ 1138.2 - Applicability of this part.
§ 1138.3 - Exceptions from requirements of this part.
§ 1138.4 - Organization of this part.
§ 1138.5 - Authority to omit or reserve portions of SUB Articles I through XII.
Subpart A - Distinguishing Subawards and Procurements (SUB Article I)
§ 1138.100 - Purpose of SUB Article I.
§ 1138.105 - Content of SUB Article I.
Subpart B - Pre-Award and Time of Award Responsibilities (SUB Article II)
§ 1138.200 - Purpose of SUB Article II.
§ 1138.205 - Content of SUB Article II.
Subpart C - Informational Content of Subawards (SUB Article III)
§ 1138.300 - Purpose of SUB Article III.
§ 1138.305 - Content of SUB Article III.
Subpart D - Financial and Program Management Requirements for Subawards (SUB Article IV)
§ 1138.400 - Purpose of SUB Article IV.
§ 1138.405 - Content of SUB Article IV.
Subpart E - Property Requirements for Subawards (SUB Article V)
§ 1138.500 - Purposes of SUB Article V in relation to other articles.
§ 1138.505 - Title to property under subawards.
§ 1138.510 - Property management system requirements for subawards.
§ 1138.515 - Use and disposition of real property, equipment, supplies, and federally owned property under subawards.
§ 1138.520 - Intangible property under subawards.
Subpart F - Procurement Procedures to Include in Subawards (SUB Article VI)
§ 1138.600 - Purpose of SUB Article VI.
§ 1138.605 - Content of SUB Article VI.
Subpart G - Financial, Programmatic, and Property Reporting Requirements for Subawards (SUB Article VII)
§ 1138.700 - Purposes of SUB Article VII in relation to other articles.
§ 1138.705 - Performance reporting requirements for subawards.
§ 1138.710 - Financial reporting requirements for subawards.
§ 1138.715 - Reporting on property under subawards.
§ 1138.720 - Other reporting under subawards.
Subpart H - Other Administrative Requirements for Subawards (SUB Article VIII)
§ 1138.800 - Purpose of SUB Article VIII.
§ 1138.805 - Content of SUB Article VIII.
Subpart I - National Policy Requirements for Subawards (SUB Article IX)
§ 1138.900 - Purpose of SUB Article IX.
§ 1138.905 - Content of SUB Article IX.
Subpart J - Subrecipient Monitoring and Other Post-Award Administration (SUB Article X)
§ 1138.1000 - Purpose of SUB Article X.
§ 1138.1005 - Content of SUB Article X.
Subpart K - Requirements Concerning Subrecipients' Lower-Tier Subawards (SUB Article XI)
§ 1138.1100 - Purpose of SUB Article XI.
§ 1138.1105 - Content of SUB Article XI.
Subpart L - Fixed-Amount Subawards (SUB Article XII)
§ 1138.1200 - Purpose of SUB Article XII.
§ 1138.1205 - Content of SUB Article XII.
Appendix A to Part 1138 - Terms and Conditions for SUB Article I, “Distinguishing Subawards and Procurements”
Appendix B to Part 1138 - Terms and Conditions for SUB Article II, “Pre-Award and Time of Award Responsibilities”
Appendix C to Part 1138 - Terms and Conditions for SUB Article III, “Informational Content of Subawards”
Appendix D to Part 1138 - Terms and Conditions for SUB Article IV, “Financial and Program Management Requirements for Subawards”
Appendix E to Part 1138 - Terms and Conditions for SUB Article V, “Property Requirements for Subawards”
Appendix F to Part 1138 - Terms and Conditions for SUB Article VI, “Procurement Procedures to Include in Subawards”
Appendix G to Part 1138 - Terms and Conditions for SUB Article VII, “Financial, Programmatic, and Property Reporting Requirements for Subawards”
Appendix H to Part 1138 - Terms and Conditions for SUB Article VIII, “Other Administrative Requirements for Subawards”
Appendix I to Part 1138 - Terms and Conditions for SUB Article IX, “National Policy Requirements for Subawards”
Appendix J to Part 1138 - Terms and Conditions for SUB Article X, “Subrecipient Monitoring and Other Post-Award Administration”
Appendix K to Part 1138 - Terms and Conditions for SUB Article XI, “Requirements Concerning Subrecipients' Lower-Tier Subawards”
Appendix L to Part 1138 - Terms and Conditions for SUB Article XII, “Fixed-Amount Subawards”