§ 170.200 - Federal awarding agency reporting requirements.  

Latest version.
  • § 170.200 Requirements for program announcements, regulations, and application instructions.

    (a) Each agency that makes awards of Federal financial assistance subject to the Transparency Act must include the requirements described in paragraph (b) of this section in each program announcement, regulation, or other issuance containing instructions for applicants:

    (1) Under which awards may be made that are subject to Transparency Act reporting requirements; and

    (2) That either:

    (i) Is issued on or after the effective date of this part; or

    (ii) Has application or plan due dates after October 1, 2010.

    (b) The program announcement, regulation, or other issuance must require each entity that applies and does not have an exception under § 170.110(b) to ensure they have the necessary processes and systems in place to comply with the reporting requirements should they receive funding.

    (c) Federal

    Federal awarding agency reporting requirements.

    (a) Federal awarding agencies are required to publicly report Federal awards that equal or exceed the micro-purchase threshold and publish the required information on a public-facing, OMB-designated, governmentwide website and follow OMB guidance to support Transparency Act implementation.

    (b) Federal awarding agencies that obtain post-award data on subaward obligations outside of this policy should take the necessary steps to ensure that their recipients are not required, due to the combination of agency-specific and Transparency Act reporting requirements, to submit the same or similar data multiple times during a given reporting period.

    [85 FR 49525, Aug. 13, 2020]