Subpart D - Old-Age, Disability, Dependents' and Survivors' Insurance Benefits; Period of Disability  

Rules Relating to Continuation of Benefits After Your Impairment Is No Longer Disabling
§ 404.327 - When you are participating in an appropriate program of vocational rehabilitation services, employment services, or other support services.
§ 404.328 - When your completion of the program, or your continuation in the program for a specified period of time, will increase the likelihood that you will not have to return to the disability benefit rolls.
Old-Age and Disability Benefits
§ 404.310 - When am I entitled to old-age benefits?
§ 404.311 - When does my entitlement to old-age benefits begin and end?
§ 404.312 - How is my old-age benefit amount calculated?
§ 404.313 - What are delayed retirement credits and how do they increase my old-age benefit amount?
§ 404.315 - Who is entitled to disability benefits?
§ 404.316 - When entitlement to disability benefits begins and ends.
§ 404.317 - How is the amount of my disability benefit calculated?
§ 404.320 - Who is entitled to a period of disability.
§ 404.321 - When a period of disability begins and ends.
§ 404.322 - When you may apply for a period of disability after a delay due to a physical or mental condition.
§ 404.325 - The termination month.
Child'S Benefits
§ 404.350 - Who is entitled to child's benefits?
§ 404.351 - Who may be reentitled to child's benefits?
§ 404.352 - When does my entitlement to child's benefits begin and end?
§ 404.353 - Child's benefit amounts.
§ 404.354 - Your relationship to the insured.
§ 404.355 - Who is the insured's natural child?
§ 404.356 - Who is the insured's legally adopted child?
§ 404.357 - Who is the insured's stepchild?
§ 404.358 - Who is the insured's grandchild or stepgrandchild?
§ 404.359 - Who is the insured's equitably adopted child?
§ 404.360 - When a child is dependent upon the insured person.
§ 404.361 - When a natural child is dependent.
§ 404.362 - When a legally adopted child is dependent.
§ 404.363 - When is a stepchild dependent?
§ 404.364 - When is a grandchild or stepgrandchild dependent?
§ 404.365 - When an equitably adopted child is dependent.
§ 404.366 - “Contributions for support,” “one-half support,” and “living with” the insured defined - determining first month of entitlement.
§ 404.367 - When you are a “full-time elementary or secondary school student”.
§ 404.368 - When you are considered a full-time student during a period of nonattendance.
Lump-Sum Death Payment
§ 404.390 - General.
§ 404.391 - Who is entitled to the lump-sum death payment as a widow or widower who was living in the same household?
§ 404.392 - Who is entitled to the lump-sum death payment when there is no widow(er) who was living in the same household?
Benefits for Spouses and Divorced Spouses
§ 404.330 - Who is entitled to wife's or husband's benefits.
§ 404.331 - Who is entitled to wife's or husband's benefits as a divorced spouse.
§ 404.332 - When wife's and husband's benefits begin and end.
§ 404.333 - Wife's and husband's benefit amounts.
§ 404.335 - How do I become entitled to widow's or widower's benefits?
§ 404.336 - How do I become entitled to widow's or widower's benefits as a surviving divorced spouse?
§ 404.337 - When does my entitlement to widow's and widower's benefits start and end?
§ 404.338 - Widow's and widower's benefits amounts.
§ 404.339 - How do I become entitled to mother's or father's benefits as a surviving spouse?
§ 404.340 - How do I become entitled to mother's or father's benefits as a surviving divorced spouse?
§ 404.341 - When mother's and father's benefits begin and end.
§ 404.342 - Mother's and father's benefit amounts.
§ 404.344 - Your relationship by marriage to the insured.
§ 404.345 - Your relationship as wife, husband, widow, or widower under State law.
§ 404.346 - Your relationship as wife, husband, widow, or widower based upon a deemed valid marriage.
§ 404.347 - “Living in the same household” defined.
§ 404.348 - When is a child living with me in my care?
§ 404.349 - When is a child living apart from me in my care?
Parent'S Benefits
§ 404.370 - Who is entitled to parent's benefits?
§ 404.371 - When parent's benefits begin and end.
§ 404.373 - Parent's benefit amounts.
§ 404.374 - Parent's relationship to the insured.
§§ 404.380--404.384 - [Reserved]
Special Payments at Age 72
§ 404.380 - General.
§ 404.381 - Who is entitled to special age 72 payments?
§ 404.382 - When special age 72 payments begin and end.
§ 404.383 - Special age 72 payment amounts.
§ 404.384 - Reductions, suspensions, and nonpayments of special age 72 payments.
§ 404.301 - Introduction.
§ 404.302 - Other regulations related to this subpart.
§ 404.303 - Definitions.
§ 404.304 - What are the general rules on benefit amounts?
§ 404.305 - When you may not be entitled to benefits.