§ 408.1003 - Which administrative actions are initial determinations?  

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  • § 408.1003 Which administrative actions are initial determinations?

    Initial determinations regarding SVB include, but are not limited to, determinations about -

    (a) Whether you qualify for SVB;

    (b) Whether you are entitled to receive SVB payments on the basis of your residence outside the United States;

    (c) The amount of your SVB payments;

    (d) Suspension or reduction of your SVB payments;

    (e) Termination of your SVB entitlement;

    (f) Whether an overpayment of benefits must be repaid to us;

    (g) Whether payments will be made, on your behalf, to a representative payee, unless you are legally incompetent;

    (h) Who will act as your payee if we determine that representative payment will be made;

    (i) A claim for benefits under § 408.351 based on alleged misinformation; and

    (j) Our calculation of the amount of change in your federally administered State recognition payment amount (i.e., a reduction, suspension, or termination) which results from a mass change as defined in § 408.1001.

    [69 FR 25955, May 10, 2004; 69 FR 45586, July 30, 2004]