Subpart B - SVB Qualification and Entitlement  

§ 408.201 - What is this subpart about?
§ 408.202 - How do you qualify for SVB?
§ 408.204 - What conditions will prevent you from qualifying for SVB or being entitled to receive SVB payments?
§ 408.206 - What happens when you apply for SVB?
§ 408.208 - What happens if you establish residence outside the United States within 4 calendar months?
§ 408.210 - What happens if you do not establish residence outside the United States within 4 calendar months?
§ 408.212 - What happens if you are a qualified individual already residing outside the United States?
Other Benefit Income
§ 408.220 - Do you have other benefit income?
§ 408.222 - How does your other benefit income affect your SVB?
§ 408.224 - How do we determine the monthly amount of your other benefit income?
§ 408.226 - What happens if you begin receiving other benefit income after you become entitled to SVB?
SSI Eligibility
§ 408.218 - Do you meet the SSI eligibility requirements?
Military Service
§ 408.216 - Are you a World War II veteran?
§ 408.214 - Are you age 65?
Residence Outside the United States
§ 408.228 - When do we consider you to be residing outside the United States?
§ 408.230 - When must you begin residing outside the United States?
§ 408.232 - When do you lose your foreign resident status?
§ 408.234 - Can you continue to receive SVB payments if you stay in the United States for more than 1 full calendar month?