Subpart H - Suspensions and Terminations  

§ 408.801 - What is this subpart about?
§ 408.814 - Can you request termination of your SVB entitlement?
§ 408.816 - When does SVB entitlement end due to death?
§ 408.818 - When does SVB entitlement terminate if your benefit payments have been in suspense for 12 consecutive months?
§ 408.820 - Will we send you a notice of intended action affecting your SVB payment status?
§ 408.802 - When will we suspend your SVB payments?
§ 408.803 - What happens to your SVB payments if you fail to comply with our request for information?
§ 408.806 - What happens to your SVB payments if you are no longer residing outside the United States?
§ 408.808 - What happens to your SVB payments if you begin receiving additional benefit income?
§ 408.809 - What happens to your SVB payments if you are removed (including deported) from the United States?
§ 408.810 - What happens to your SVB payments if you are fleeing to avoid criminal prosecution or custody or confinement after conviction, or because you violate a condition of probation or parole?
§ 408.812 - What happens to your SVB payments if you are not a citizen or national of the United States and you begin residing in a Treasury-restricted country?