§ 410.202 - Duration of entitlement; miner.  

Latest version.
  • (a) An individual is entitled to benefits as a miner for each month beginning with the first month in which all of the conditions of entitlement prescribed in § 410.201 are satisfied.

    (b) The last month for which such individual is entitled to such benefit is the month before the month:

    (1) In which the miner dies (see, however, § 410.226); or

    (2) In no part of which the miner is under a disability.

    (c) A miner's entitlement to benefits under part B of title IV of the Act which is based on a claim which is filed (see § 410.227) after June 30, 1973, and before January 1, 1974, shall terminate on December 31, 1973, unless sooner terminated under paragraph (b) of this section.