§ 410.215 - Duration of entitlement; parent, brother, or sister.  

Latest version.
  • (a) parent, brother, or sister is entitled to benefits beginning with the month all the conditions of entitlement described in § 410.214 are met.

    (b) The last month for which such parent is entitled to benefits is the month before the month in which the parent dies.

    (c) The last month for which such sister is entitled to benefits is the month before the month in which any of the following events occurs:

    (1) She dies;

    (2)(i) She marries or remarries; or

    (ii) If already married, she receives support in any amount from her spouse.

    (d) The last month for which such brother is entitled to benefits is the month before the month in which any of the following events first occurs:

    (1) He dies;

    (2)(i) He marries or remarries; or

    (ii) If already married, he receives support in any amount from his spouse;

    (3) He attains age 18 and,

    (i) Is not under a disability at that time, and

    (ii) Is not a student (see § 410.370(c)) during any part of the month in which he attains age 18;

    (4) If his entitlement is based on his status as a student, the earlier of:

    (i) The first month during no part of which he is a student; or

    (ii) The month in which he attains age 23 and is not under a disability at that time;

    (5) If his entitlement is based on disability, the first month in no part of which such individual is under a disability.