§ 410.520 - Reductions; receipt of State benefit.  

Latest version.
  • (a) As used in this section, the term State benefit means a payment to a beneficiary made because of the disability of the miner due to pneumoconiosis under State laws relating to workmen's compensation (including compensation for occupational disease), unemployment compensation, or disability insurance.

    (b) Benefit payments to a beneficiary for a month are reduced (but not below zero) by an amount equal to any payments of State benefits received by such beneficiary for such month.

    (c) Where a State benefit is paid periodically but not monthly, or in a lump sum as a commutation of or a substitute for periodic benefits, the reduction under this section is made at such time or times and in such amounts as the Administration determines will approximate as nearly as practicable the reduction required under paragraph (b) of this section. In making such a determination, a weekly State benefit is multiplied by 41/3 and a biweekly benefit is multiplied by 21/6, to ascertain the monthly equivalent for reduction purposes.

    (d) Amounts paid or incurred, or to be incurred, by the individual for medical, legal, or related expenses in connection with his claim for State benefits (defined in paragraph (a) of this section) or the injury or occupational disease, if any, on which such award of State benefits (or settlement agreement) is based, are excluded in computing the reduction under paragraph (b) of this section, to the extent that they are consonant with State law. Such medical, legal, or related expenses may be evidenced by the State benefit award, compromise agreement, or court order in the State benefit proceedings, or by such other evidence as the Administration may require. Such other evidence may consist of:

    (1) A detailed statement by the individual's attorney, physician, or the employer's insurance carrier; or

    (2) Bills, receipts, or canceled checks; or

    (3) Other clear and convincing evidence indicating the amount of such expenses; or

    (4) Any combination of the foregoing evidence from which the amount of such expenses may be determinable.

    Any expenses not established by evidence required by the Administration will not be excluded.