§ 410.561e - When an individual is “without fault” in a reduction-overpayment.  

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  • Except as provided in § 410.561g, or elsewhere in this subpart, an individual will be considered without fault in accepting a payment which is incorrect because he failed to report an event relating to excess earnings specified in section 203(b) of the Social Security Act, or which is incorrect because a reduction in his benefits equal to the amount of a deduction required under section 203(b) of the Social Security Act is necessary (see § 410.530), if it is shown that such failure to report or such acceptance of the overpayment was due to one of the following circumstances:

    (a) Reasonable belief that only his net cash earnings (“take-home” pay) are included in determining the annual earnings limitation or the monthly earnings limitation under section 203(f) of the Social Security Act (see § 410.530).

    (b) Reliance upon erroneous information from an official source within the Social Security Administration (or other governmental agency which the individual had reasonable cause to believe was connected with the administration of benefits under part B of title IV of the Act) with respect to the interpretation of a pertinent provision of the Act or regulations pertaining thereto. For example, this circumstance could occur where the individual is misinformed by such source as to the interpretation of a provision in the Act or regulations relating to reductions.

    (c) The beneficiary's death caused the earnings limit applicable to his earnings for purposes of reduction and the charging of excess earnings to be reduced below $1,680 for a taxable year.

    (d) Reasonable belief that in determining, for reduction purposes, his earnings from employment and/or net earnings from self-employment in the taxable year in which he became entitled to benefits, earnings in such year prior to such entitlement would be excluded. However, this provision does not apply if his earnings in the taxable year, beginning with the first month of entitlement, exceeded the earnings limitation amount for such year.

    (e) Unawareness that his earnings were in excess of the earnings limitation applicable to the imposition of reductions and the charging of excess earnings or that he should have reported such excess where these earnings were greater than anticipated because of:

    (1) Retroactive increases in pay, including backpay awards;

    (2) Work at a higher pay rate than realized;

    (3) Failure of the employer of an individual unable to keep accurate rec-ords to restrict the amount of earnings or the number of hours worked in accordance with a previous agreement with such individual;

    (4) The occurrence of five Saturdays (or other workdays, e.g., five Mondays) in a month and the earnings for the services on the fifth Saturday or other workday caused the reductions.

    (f) The continued issuance of benefit checks to him after he sent notice to the Administration of the event which caused or should have caused the reductions provided that such continued issuance of checks led him to believe in good faith that he was entitled to checks subsequently received.

    (g) Lack of knowledge that bonuses, vacation pay, or similar payments, constitute earnings for purposes of the annual earnings limitation.

    (h) Reasonable belief that earnings in excess of the earnings limitation amount for the taxable year would subject him to reductions only for months beginning with the first month in which his earnings exceeded the earnings limitation amount. However, this provision is applicable only if he reported timely to the Administration during the taxable year when his earnings reached the applicable limitation amount for such year.

    (i) Reasonable belief that earnings from employment and/or net earnings from self-employment after the attainment of age 72 in the taxable year in which he attained age 72 would not cause reductions with respect to benefits payable for months in that taxable year prior to the attainment of age 72.

    (j) Reasonable belief by an individual entitled to benefits that earnings from employment and/or net earnings from self-employment after the termination of entitlement in the taxable year in which the termination event occurred would not cause reductions with respect to benefits payable for months in that taxable year prior to the month in which the termination event occurred.

    (k) Failure to understand the deduction provisions of the Social Security Act or the occurrence of unusual or unavoidable circumstances the nature of which clearly shows that the individual was unaware of a violation of such reduction provisions. However, these provisions do not apply unless he made a bona fide attempt to restrict his annual earnings or otherwise comply with the reduction provisions of the Act.