§ 410.615 - Administrative actions that are not initial determinations.  

Latest version.
  • Administrative actions which shall not be considered initial determinations, but which may receive administrative review include, but are not limited to, the following:

    (a) The suspension of benefits pursuant to the criteria in section 203(h)(3) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 403 (h)(3)), pending investigation and determination of any factual issue as to the applicability of a reduction under section 412(b) of the Act equivalent to the amount of a deduction because of excess earnings under section 203(b) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 403(b)) (see §§ 410.515(d) and 410.530).

    (b) The denial of an application to be made representative payee for and on behalf of a beneficiary under part B of title IV of the Act (see § 410.581).

    (c) The certification of any two or more individuals of the same family for joint payment of the total benefits payable to such individuals (see § 410.505).

    (d) The withholding by the Administration in any month, for the purpose of recovering an overpayment, of less than the full amount of benefits otherwise payable in that month (see § 410.560(c)).

    (e) The authorization approving or regulating the amount of the fee that may be charged or received by a representative for services before the Administration (see § 410.686b(e)).

    (f) The disqualification or suspension of an individual from acting as a representative in a proceeding before the Administration (see § 410.688).

    (g) The determination by the Administration under the authority of the Federal Claims Collection Act (31 U.S.C. 951-953) not to compromise a claim for overpayment under part B of title IV of the Act, or not to suspend or terminate collection of such a claim, or the determination to compromise such a claim, including the compromise amount and the time and manner of payment (see § 410.565).

    (h) Where the amount in controversy is less than $100, the denial of a request for reimbursement of medical expenses (see § 410.240(h)) which are claimed to have been incurred by the claimant in establishing his claim for benefits, or the approval of such request for reimbursement in an amount less than the amount requested. (Also see § 410.610(j).)

    (i) The determination by the Social Security Administration that an individual is not qualified for use of the expedited appeals process, as provided in § 410.629a.

    (j) The denial by the Administration of a request to readjudicate a claim and apply an Acquiescence Ruling.