§ 410.657 - Appeals Council proceedings on certification and review; procedure before Appeals Council on certification by the Administrative Law Judge.  

Latest version.
  • When a case has been certified to the Appeals Council by an Administrative Law Judge with his recommended decision (see §410.654), the Administrative Law Judge shall mail notice of such action to the parties at their last known addresses. The parties shall be notified of their right to file with the Appeals Council within 10 days from the date of mailing of the recommended decision, briefs or other written statements of exceptions or allegations as to applicable fact and law, except in the case of suspension or disqualification (see §410.694(b)). Upon request of any party made within such 10-day period, a 10-day extension of time for filing such briefs or statements shall be granted and, upon a showing of good cause, such 10-day period may be extended, as appropriate. Where there is more than one party, copies of such briefs or written statements shall be filed in sufficient number that they may be made available to any party requesting a copy or any other party designated by the Appeals Council. Copies or a statement of the contents of the documents or other written evidence received in evidence in the hearing record, and a copy of the transcript of oral evidence adduced at the hearing, if any, or a condensed statement thereof shall be made available to any party upon request, upon payment of the cost, or if such cost is not readily determinable, the estimated amount thereof, unless, for good cause shown, such payment is waived. When a case has been certified to the Appeals Council by an Administrative Law Judge for decision any party shall be given, upon his request, a reasonable opportunity to appear before the Appeals Council for the purpose of presenting oral argument.