§ 410.665 - Decision by Appeals Council or remanding of case.  

Latest version.
  • (a) General. If a case is certified to the Appeals Council by an Administrative Law Judge (see §410.654), the Appeals Council shall make a decision. If the Appeals Council decides to review an Administrative Law Judge's decision as provided in §410.662, the Appeals Council may, upon such review, affirm, modify, or reverse the decision of the Administrative Law Judge, or vacate such decision and remand the case to an Administrative Law Judge either for rehearing and the issuance of a decision thereon or to take further testimony in the case and return it to the Appeals Council with a recommended decision for decision by the Appeals Council. Where a case has been remanded by a court for further consideration, the Appeals Council may proceed then to make the decision or it may in turn remand the case to an Administrative Law Judge with directions to return the case upon completion of the necessary action to the Appeals Council with a recommended decision for decision by the Appeals Council.

    (b) Case remanded to an Administrative Law Judge. Where a case is remanded to an Administrative Law Judge, he shall initiate such additional proceedings and take such other action (under §§410.632 through 410.655) as is directed by the Appeals Council in its order of remand. The Administrative Law Judge may take any additional action not inconsistent with the order of remand. Upon completion of all action called for by the order of remand and any other action initiated by the Administrative Law Judge, the Administrative Law Judge shall promptly (1) issue a decision in writing which contains findings of fact and a statement of reasons, or (2) when so directed by the Appeals Council, return the case with his recommended decision to the Appeals Council for its decision. A copy of the decision shall be mailed to each party at his last known address. When a recommended decision is issued, the Administrative Law Judge shall also notify each party of his right to file with the Appeals Council within 10 days from the date of mailing of the recommended decision, briefs or other written statements of exceptions and allegations as to applicable fact and law, except in the case of suspension or disqualification (see §410.694(b)). Upon request of any party made within such 10-day period, a 10-day extension of time for filing such briefs or statements shall be granted and, upon a showing of good cause, such 10-day period may be extended, as appropriate.

    (c) Decision by Appeals Council. A decision of the Appeals Council shall be based upon the evidence received into the hearing record and such further evidence as the Appeals Council may receive as provided in §§410.657, 410.658, 410.663, and 410.664. This decision shall be made in writing and contain findings of fact, and a statement of reasons. A copy of the decision shall be mailed to each party at his last known address.