Subpart F - Determinations of Disability, Other Determinations, Administrative Review, Finality of Decisions, and Representation of Parties  

§ 410.601 - Determinations of disability.
§ 410.610 - Administrative actions that are initial determinations.
§ 410.615 - Administrative actions that are not initial determinations.
§ 410.620 - Notice of initial determination.
§ 410.621 - Effect of initial determination.
§ 410.622 - Reconsideration and hearing.
§ 410.623 - Reconsideration; right to reconsideration.
§ 410.624 - Time and place of filing request.
§ 410.625 - Parties to the reconsideration.
§ 410.626 - Notice of reconsideration.
§ 410.627 - Reconsidered determination.
§ 410.628 - Notice of reconsidered determination.
§ 410.629 - Effect of a reconsidered determination.
§ 410.630 - Hearing; right to hearing.
§ 410.631 - Time and place of filing request.
§ 410.632 - Parties to a hearing.
§ 410.633 - Additional parties to the hearing.
§ 410.634 - Administrative Law Judge.
§ 410.635 - Disqualification of Administrative Law Judge.
§ 410.636 - Time and place of hearing.
§ 410.637 - Hearing on new issues.
§ 410.638 - Change of time and place for hearing.
§ 410.639 - Subpenas.
§ 410.640 - Conduct of hearing.
§ 410.641 - Evidence.
§ 410.642 - Witnesses.
§ 410.643 - Oral argument and written allegations.
§ 410.644 - Record of hearing.
§ 410.645 - Joint hearings.
§ 410.646 - Consolidated issues.
§ 410.647 - Waiver of right to appear and present evidence.
§ 410.648 - Dismissal of request for hearing; by application of party.
§ 410.649 - Dismissal by abandonment of party.
§ 410.650 - Dismissal for cause.
§ 410.651 - Notice of dismissal and right to request review thereon.
§ 410.652 - Effect of dismissal.
§ 410.653 - Vacation of dismissal of request for hearing.
§ 410.654 - Administrative Law Judge's decision or certification to Appeals Council.
§ 410.655 - Effect of Administrative Law Judge's decision.
§ 410.656 - Removal of hearing to Appeals Council.
§ 410.657 - Appeals Council proceedings on certification and review; procedure before Appeals Council on certification by the Administrative Law Judge.
§ 410.658 - Evidence in proceeding before Appeals Council.
§ 410.659 - Decision of Appeals Council.
§ 410.660 - Right to request review of Administrative Law Judge's decision or dismissal.
§ 410.661 - Time and place of filing request.
§ 410.662 - Action by Appeals Council on review.
§ 410.663 - Procedure before Appeals Council on review.
§ 410.664 - Evidence admissible on review.
§ 410.665 - Decision by Appeals Council or remanding of case.
§ 410.666 - Effect of Appeals Council's decision or refusal to review.
§ 410.667 - Dismissal by Appeals Council.
§ 410.668 - Extension of time to request reconsideration.
§ 410.669 - Extension of time to request hearing or review or begin civil action.
§ 410.670 - Review by Appeals Council.
§ 410.671 - Revision for error or other reason; time limitation generally.
§ 410.672 - Reopening initial, revised or reconsidered determinations of the Administration and decisions of an Administrative Law Judge or the Appeals Council; finality of determinations and decisions.
§ 410.673 - Good cause for reopening a determination or decision.
§ 410.674 - Finality of suspension of benefit payments for entire taxable year because of earnings.
§ 410.675 - Time limitation for revising finding suspending benefit payments for entire taxable year because of earnings.
§ 410.676 - Notice of revision.
§ 410.677 - Effect of revised determination.
§ 410.678 - Time and place of requesting hearing on revised determination.
§ 410.679 - Finality of findings with respect to other claims for benefits based on the disability or death of a miner.
§ 410.680 - Imposition of reductions.
§ 410.681 - Change of ruling or legal precedent.
§ 410.682 - General applicability.
§ 410.683 - Certification of payment; determination or decision providing for payment.
§ 410.684 - Representation of party; appointment of representative.
§ 410.685 - Qualifications of representative.
§ 410.686 - Authority of representative.
§ 410.687 - Rules governing the representation and advising of claimants and parties.
§ 410.688 - Disqualification or suspension of an individual from acting as a representative in proceedings before SSA.
§ 410.689 - Notice of charges.
§ 410.690 - Withdrawal of charges.
§ 410.691 - Referral to the Deputy Commissioner for Programs and Policy, or his or her designee, for hearing and decision.
§ 410.692 - Hearing on charges.
§ 410.693 - Decision by hearing officer.
§ 410.694 - Right to request review of the hearing officer's decision.
§ 410.695 - Procedure before Appeals Council on review of hearing officer's decision.
§ 410.696 - Evidence admissible on review.
§ 410.697 - Decision by Appeals Council on review of hearing officer's decision.
§ 410.698 - Dismissal by Appeals Council.
§ 410.699 - Reinstatement after suspension or disqualification.
§ 410.670a - Judicial review.
§ 410.670b - Interim provision for the adjudication of certain claims filed prior to May 19, 1972.
§ 410.670c - Application of circuit court law.
§ 410.683a - [Reserved]
§ 410.683b - Transfer or assignment.
§ 410.675a - Late completion of timely investigation.
§ 410.686a - Proceedings before a State or Federal court.
§ 410.686b - Fee for services performed for an individual before the Social Security Administration.
§ 410.686c - Petition for approval of fee.
§ 410.686d - Payment of fees.
§ 410.686e - Services rendered for an individual in a proceeding before the Administration under part B of title IV of the Act.
§ 410.687a - Effective date.
§ 410.629a - Expedited appeals process; conditions for use of such process.
§ 410.699a - Penalties for fraud.
§ 410.629b - Expedited appeals process; place and time of filing request.
§ 410.629c - Expedited appeals process; parties.
§ 410.629d - Expedited appeals process; agreement requirements.
§ 410.629e - Expedited appeals process; effect of agreement.
§ 410.629f - Effect of a request that does not result in agreement.