§ 411.190 - How is it determined if I am meeting the timely progress guidelines?  

Latest version.
  • (a) During the initial 24-month period.

    (1) General. During the initial 24-month period after you assign your ticket, you must be actively participating in your employment plan, as defined in § 411.180(c)(1). Active participation in your employment plan will be presumed unless you or your EN or State VR agency tell the program manager (PM) that you are not actively participating. (See § 411.115(k) for a definition of the PM.) If you or your EN or State VR agency report to the PM that you are temporarily unable to participate or are not actively participating in your employment plan during the initial 24-month period after you assign your ticket, the PM will give you the choice of placing your ticket in inactive status or resuming active participation in your employment plan.

    (2) Inactive status. If you choose to place the ticket in inactive status, your ticket will be placed in inactive status beginning with the first day of the month following the month in which you make your request. You are not considered to be using a ticket during months in which your ticket is in inactive status. Therefore, you will be subject to continuing disability reviews during those months. The months in which your ticket is in inactive status do not count toward the time limitations for making timely progress toward self-supporting employment. You may not place your ticket in inactive status after the initial 24-month period.

    (i) To place a ticket in inactive status, you must submit a written request to the PM asking that your ticket be placed in inactive status. The request must include a statement from your EN or State VR agency that you will not be participating in your plan or receiving services from them during the period of inactive status.

    (ii) If your ticket is still assigned to an EN or State VR agency, you may reactivate your ticket and return to in-use status at any time by submitting a written request to the PM. Your ticket will be reactivated beginning with the first day of the month following the month in which the PM receives your request.

    (3) Resuming active participation. If you choose to resume active participation in your employment plan, you will be allowed three months to demonstrate this active participation to the PM. During this period, you will be considered to be making timely progress toward self-supporting employment, and these months will count toward your initial 24-month period. The PM will contact your EN or State VR agency after the three months to determine whether you have been actively participating in your employment plan during these three months. If the EN or State VR agency reports that you have been actively participating in your employment plan during these three months, you will continue to be considered to be making timely progress toward self-supporting employment. If the EN or State VR agency reports that you have not been actively participating in your employment plan during these three months, the PM will find that you are no longer making timely progress toward self-supporting employment. The PM will send a written notice of this decision to you at your last known address. The notice will explain the reasons for the decision and inform you of the right to ask us to review the decision. The decision will become effective 30 days after the date on which the PM sends the notice of the decision to you, unless you request that we review the decision under § 411.205.

    (b) After the initial 24-month period. (1) After the initial 24-month period, the PM will conduct progress reviews to determine if you are meeting the timely progress guidelines for continuing to be considered to be using a ticket.

    (2) The PM will conduct a 24-month progress review at the end of the initial 24-month period. (See § 411.195.)

    (3) If you successfully complete your 24-month progress review, the PM will then conduct 12-month progress reviews at the end of each 12-month progress review period. (See § 411.200.)