Subpart R - Relationship  

§ 416.1801 - Introduction.
Who Is Considered a Child
§ 416.1851 - Effects of being considered a child.
§ 416.1856 - Who is considered a child.
§ 416.1861 - Deciding whether you are a child: Are you a student?
§ 416.1866 - Deciding whether you are a child: Are you the head of a household?
Who Is Considered a Student for Purposes of the Student Earned Income Exclusion
§ 416.1870 - Effect of being considered a student.
§ 416.1872 - Who is considered a student.
§ 416.1874 - When we need evidence that you are a student.
Who Is Considered Your Parent
§ 416.1876 - Effects a parent (or parents) can have on the child's benefits.
§ 416.1881 - Deciding whether someone is your parent or stepparent.
Who Is Considered Your Spouse
§ 416.1802 - Effects of marriage on eligibility and amount of benefits.
§ 416.1806 - Whether you are married and who is your spouse.
§ 416.1816 - Information we need concerning marriage when you apply for SSI.
§ 416.1821 - Showing that you are married when you apply for SSI.
§ 416.1826 - Showing that you are not married when you apply for SSI.
§ 416.1830 - When we stop considering you and your spouse an eligible couple.
§ 416.1832 - When we consider your marriage ended.
§ 416.1835 - Information we need about separation or end of marriage after you become eligible for SSI.