§ 618.325 - Integrated service strategies and Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act co-enrollment.  

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  • § 618.325 Integrated service strategies and Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act co-enrollment.


    (1) A State must co-enroll trade-affected workers who are eligible for WIOA's dislocated worker program. Workers may choose to decline co-enrollment in WIOA. A State cannot deny such a worker benefits or services under the TAA Program solely for declining co-enrollment in WIOA.

    (2) A State must also make co-enrollment available to trade-affected workers who are eligible for other one-stop partner programs to ensure that all necessary and appropriate services, including supportive services, are available to the worker.


    (1) Trade-affected worker dislocated worker eligibility. Most trade-affected workers meet the eligibility criteria of a dislocated worker defined at WIOA section 3(15).

    (2) Partially separated worker and AAIW dislocated worker eligibility. In certain circumstances, such as a general announcement of a closure, partially separated workers and AAIWs may meet the eligibility criteria as a dislocated worker under WIOA and must also be co-enrolled.

    (3) Trade-affected worker dislocated worker ineligibility. Some trade-affected workers are ineligible for the WIOA dislocated worker program, including those that do not meet the Selective Service registration requirement, and will be exempt from the co-enrollment requirement in this section.