§ 627.481 - Audit resolution.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Federal audit resolution. When the OIG issues an audit report to the Employment and Training Administration for resolution, the ETA Grant Officer shall provide a copy of the report to the recipient (if it does not already have the report), along with a request that the recipient submit its audit resolution report as specified in § 627.480(e)(2) of this part, unless the Grant Officer chooses to proceed directly against the recipient pursuant to § 627.601 of this part.

    (1) For audits of recipient-level entities and other organizations which receive JTPA funds directly from DOL, the Grant Officer shall request that the audit resolution report be submitted within 60 days from the date that the audit report is issued by the OIG.

    (2) For audits of subrecipient organizations, the Grant Officer shall provide the recipient with a 180-day period within which to resolve the audit with its subrecipient(s), and shall request that the audit resolution report be submitted at the end of that 180-day period.

    (b) After receiving the audit resolution report, the ETA Grant Officer shall review the report, the recipient's disposition, any liability waiver request, and any proposed “stand-in” costs. If the Grant Officer agrees with all aspects of the recipient's disposition of the audit, the Grant Officer shall so notify the recipient, constituting final agency action on the audit. If the Grant Officer disagrees with the recipient's conclusion on specific points in the audit, or if the recipient fails to submit its audit resolution report, the Grant Officer shall resolve the audit through the initial and final determination process described in § 627.606 of this part. Normally, the Grant Officer's notification of agreement (a concurrence letter) or disagreement (an initial determination) with the recipient's audit resolution report will be provided within 180 days of the Grant Officer's receipt of the report.

    (c) Non-Federal audit resolution. (1) To ensure timely and appropriate resolution for audits of all subrecipients, including SDA grant recipients and title III SSG's, and to ensure recipient-wide consistency, the Governor shall prescribe standards for audit resolution and debt collection policies and procedures that shall be included in each job training plan in accordance with section 104(b)(12) of the Act.

    (2) The Governor shall prescribe an appeals procedure for audit resolution disputes which, at a minimum, provides for:

    (i) The period of time, not less than 15 days nor more than 30 days, after the issuance of the final determination in which an appeal may be filed;

    (ii) The rules of procedure;

    (iii) Timely submission of evidence;

    (iv) The timing of decisions; and

    (v) Further appeal rights, if any.