Subpart G - Performance Accountability  

§ 641.700 - What performance measures apply to Senior Community Service Employment Program grantees?
§ 641.710 - How are the performance measures defined?
§ 641.715 - What are the common performance measures?
§ 641.720 - How will the Department and grantees initially determine and then adjust expected levels of the core performance measures?
§ 641.730 - How will the Department assist grantees in the transition to the new core performance measures?
§ 641.740 - How will the Department determine whether a grantee fails, meets, or exceeds the expected levels of performance and what will be the consequences of failing to meet expected levels of performance?
§ 641.750 - Will there be performance-related incentives?
§ 641.760 - What sanctions will the Department impose if a national grantee fails to meet negotiated levels of performance under the total SCSEP grant?
§ 641.770 - What sanctions will the Department impose if a national grantee fails to meet negotiated levels of performance in any State it serves?
§ 641.780 - When will the Department assess the performance of a national grantee in a State?
§ 641.790 - What sanctions will the Department impose if a State grantee fails to meet negotiated levels of performance?
§ 641.795 - Will there be incentives for exceeding performance measures?