§ 645.240 - What are the reporting requirements for Welfare-to-Work programs?  

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  • § 645.240 What are the reporting requirements for Welfare-to-Work programs?

    (a) General. State formula and other direct competitive grant recipients must report financial and participant data in accordance with revised instructions that will be issued by the Department after consultation with the Secretary of Health and Human Services, States, and organizations that represent State or local governments. Reports must be submitted to the Department quarterly. Existing WtW financial reporting instructions and formats are available on the WtW web site at http://wtw.doleta.gov/linkpages/tegltein.htm. The Internet reporting system for WtW grantees is accessible at http://www.etareports.doleta.gov.

    (b) Subrecipient reporting. A State formula or other direct competitive grant recipient may impose different forms or formats, shorter due dates, and more frequent reporting requirements on subrecipients. However, the recipient is required to meet the reporting requirements imposed by the Department.

    (c) Financial reports. Each grant recipient must submit financial reports to the Department. Reported expenditures and program income must be on the accrual basis of accounting and cumulative by fiscal year of appropriation. If the recipient's accounting records are not normally kept on the accrual basis of accounting, the recipient must develop accrual information through an analysis of the documentation on hand.

    (d) Participant reports. Each grant recipient must submit participant reports to the Department. Participant data must be aggregate data, and, for most data elements, must be cumulative by fiscal year of appropriation.

    (e) Due dates. Financial and participant reports are due no later than 45 days after the end of each quarter. A final financial and participant report is required 90 days after the expiration of a funding period or the termination of grant support.