§ 645.320 - When will formula funds be reallotted, and what reallotment procedures will the Secretary use?

Latest version.
  • (a) No reallotment of funds among States will occur during FY 98;

    (b) For subsequent fiscal years, a reconciliation will be made during the first quarter of the fiscal year under § 645.315 of this part to determine whether or not a State has satisfied its required level of matching funds for the prior year.

    (c) If a State has failed to expend the required level of matching funds, the required reduction in the State grant will be made during the second quarter of the fiscal year.

    (d) Also, any funds which become available as a result of underexpenditures of required match, or failure to obligate 100 percent of the funds by either States or substate entities by the end of the fiscal year of the grant, will be reallotted among qualifying States (i.e., those which have committed a sufficient match to qualify for additional funds). The reallotment will occur during the second quarter of the following fiscal year (section 403(a)(5)(A)(i)(I) of the Act).