§ 645.425 - What are the roles and responsibilities of the State(s) and local boards or alternate administering agencies?  

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  • § 645.425 What are the roles and responsibilities of the State(s) and local boards or alternate administering agencies?

    (a) State roles and responsibilities. A State:

    (1) Designates State WtW administering agency;

    (2) Provides overall administration of WtW funds, consistent with the WtW statute, WtW regulations and the State's WtW Plan;

    (3) Develops the State WtW Plan in consultation and coordination with appropriate entities in substate areas, such as One-Stop systems, private sector employers, labor organizations, business and trade associations, education agencies, housing agencies, community development corporations, transportation agencies, community-based and faith-based organizations, disability community organizations, community action agencies, and colleges and universities which provide some of the assistance needed by the targeted population (section 403(a)(5)(A)(ii)(I)(cc));

    (4) Distributes funds to SDAs, consistent with the provisions described at § 645.410(a) (section 403(a)(5)(A)(ii)(I)(bb));

    (5) Conducts oversight and monitoring of WtW activities and fund expenditures at the State and local levels for compliance with applicable laws and regulations, consistent with the provisions at § 645.245 and provides technical assistance as appropriate;

    (6) Ensures coordination of local board or alternate administering agency fund expenditures with the State TANF expenditures and other programs (section 403(a)(5)(A)(ii)(I)(dd));

    (7) Determines whether to request waivers to select an alternate administering agency consistent with the provisions described at § 645.400 of this part (sections 403(a)(5)(A)(ii)(I)(ee) and 403(a)(5)(A)(vii)(III));

    (8) Manages and distributes State level WtW funds (15 percent), consistent with the provisions at § 645.410(b) and (c) (section 403(a)(5)(A)(vi)(III));

    (9) Ensures that the 15 percent administration limitation and the match requirement are met;

    (10) Ensures that worker protections provisions are observed and establishes an appropriate grievance process, consistent with §§ 645.255 through 645.270 of this part (section 403(a)(5)(J));

    (11) Provides comments on Competitive Grant Application(s) from eligible entities within the State, consistent with § 645.510 of this part (section 403(a)(5)(B)(ii));

    (12) Cooperates with the Department of Health and Human Services on the evaluation of WtW programs (section 403(a)(5)(A)(ii)(III));

    (13) Provides technical assistance to PIC's, local boards or alternate administering agencies; and

    (14) Establishes internal reporting requirements to ensure Federal reports are accurate, complete and are submitted on a timely basis, consistent with § 645.240 of this part.

    (b) Local Boards (or alternate administering agency) roles and responsibilities. A local board:

    (1) Has sole authority, in coordination with CEOs, to expend formula funds (section 403(a)(5)(A)(vii)(I));

    (2) Has authority to determine the individuals to be served in the local area (section 403(a)(5)(A)(vii)(I));

    (3) Has authority to determine the services to be provided in the local area (section 403(a)(5)(A)(vii)(I));

    (4) Ensures funds are expended on eligible recipients and on allowable activities, consistent with § 645.410(a)(5) of this part;

    (5) Coordinates WtW fund expenditures with State TANF expenditures and other programs (section 403(a)(5)(A)(ii)(dd));

    (6) Ensures that there is an assessment and an individual service strategy in place for each WtW participant, consistent with § 645.225(a) and (b) of this part;

    (7) Conducts oversight and monitoring of subrecipients, consistent with the provisions at § 645.245 of this part;

    (8) Ensures worker protection provisions and grievance process are observed, consistent with State guidelines (section 403(a)(5)(J)); and

    (9) Consults with and provides comments on private entity Competitive Grant Application(s), consistent with the provisions at § 645.500(b)(1)(i) of this part.