Subpart B - General Program and Administrative Requirements  

§ 645.200 - What does this subpart cover?
§ 645.210 - What is meant by the terms “entity” and “project” in the statutory phrase “an entity that operates a project” with Welfare-to-Work funds?
§ 645.211 - How must Welfare-to-Work funds be spent by the operating entity?
§ 645.212 - Who may be served under the general eligibility and noncustodial parent eligibility (primary eligibility) provision?
§ 645.213 - Who may be served as an individual in the “other eligibles” (30 percent) provision?
§ 645.214 - How will Welfare-to-Work participant eligibility be determined?
§ 645.215 - What must a WtW operating entity that serves noncustodial parent participants do?
§ 645.220 - What activities are allowable under this part?
§ 645.221 - For what activities and services must local boards use contracts or vouchers?
§ 645.225 - How do Welfare-to-Work activities relate to activities provided through TANF and other related programs?
§ 645.230 - What general fiscal and administrative rules apply to the use of Federal funds?
§ 645.233 - What are the time limitations on the expenditure of Welfare-to-Work grant funds?
§ 645.235 - What types of activities are subject to the administrative cost limit on Welfare-to-Work grants?
§ 645.240 - What are the reporting requirements for Welfare-to-Work programs?
§ 645.245 - Who is responsible for oversight and monitoring of Welfare-to-Work grants?
§ 645.250 - What procedures apply to the resolution of findings arising from audits, investigations, monitoring and oversight reviews?
§ 645.255 - What nondiscrimination protections apply to participants in Welfare-to-Work programs?
§ 645.260 - What health and safety provisions apply to participants in Welfare-to-Work programs?
§ 645.265 - What safeguards are there to ensure that participants in Welfare-to-Work employment activities do not displace other employees?
§ 645.270 - What procedures are there to ensure that currently employed workers may file grievances regarding displacement and that Welfare-to-Work participants in employment activities may file grievances regarding displacement, health and safety standards and gender discrimination?