§ 655.1020 - Request for hearing.  

Latest version.
  • (a) An employer desiring to request an administrative hearing on a determination issued pursuant to § 655.1015 of this part shall make such request in writing to the Chief Administrative Law Judge at the address stated in the notice of determination. Copies of the request shall be served upon the Wage and Hour Division official who issued the notice of determination and upon the representative of the Solicitor of Labor identified in the notice of determination.

    (b) No particular form is prescribed for any request for hearing permitted by this section. However, any such request shall:

    (1) Be dated;

    (2) Be typewritten or legibly written;

    (3) Specify the issue or issues stated in the notice of determination giving rise to such request;

    (4) State the specific reason or reasons why the employer believes such determination is in error;

    (5) Be signed by the employer making the request or by an authorized representative of the employer; and

    (6) Include the address at which the employer or authorized representative desires to receive further communications relating thereto.

    (c) The request for such hearing must be received by the Chief Administrative Law Judge, at the address stated in the Administrator's notice of determination, no later than 15 calendar days after the date of the determination.

    (d) The request may be filed in person, by facsimile transmission, by certified or regular mail, or by courier service. For the requesting party's protection, if the request is by mail, it should be by certified mail. If the request is by facsimile transmission, the original of the request, signed by the employer or authorized representative, shall be filed within ten days thereafter.

    (e) A copy of the request for a hearing shall be sent by the requestor to the Administrator at the address shown on the Administrator's notice of determination.