§ 655.1035 - Administrative law judge proceedings.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Upon receipt of a timely request for a hearing filed pursuant to and in accordance with § 655.1020 of this part, the Chief Administrative Law Judge shall promptly appoint an administrative law judge to hear the case.

    (b) The date of the hearing shall be not more than 60 calendar days from the date of the Chief Administrative Law Judge's receipt of the request for hearing.

    (c) The administrative law judge may prescribe a schedule by which the parties are permitted to file a prehearing brief or other written statement of fact or law. Any such brief or statement shall be served upon each other party in accordance with § 655.1030 of this part. Posthearing briefs shall not be permitted except at the request of the administrative law judge. When permitted, any such brief shall be limited to the issue or issues specified by the administrative law judge, shall be due within the time prescribed by the administrative law judge, and shall be served in accordance with § 655.1030 of this part.

    (d) Amicus curiae participation or intervention by interested parties may be permitted by the administrative law judge in his/her discretion pursuant to 29 CFR 18.10. If such participation is granted, the amicus curiae and/or intervenor shall serve all documents and be served by the parties in accordance with § 655.1030 of this part. In no event, however, shall such participation be permitted to delay the proceedings beyond the deadline specified in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.