§ 655.315 - State plans.  

Latest version.
  • A State may submit an annual plan for the recruitment and retention of U.S. citizens and permanent resident aliens who are authorized to perform nursing services in the State.

    (a) Who should prepare and file the annual plan? The Governor of each State that chooses to submit an annual State plan shall be responsible for the preparation and filing of the annual plan. The Governor may designate any public and/or private organization(s) to assist the Governor in the development of the annual plan.

    (b) When and where should the annual plan be filed? If a State determines to file an annual State plan, the Governor shall submit the original plan, signed by the Governor, by U.S. mail or private carrier, to ETA at the following address: Director, U.S. Employment Service, Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW., room N-4456, Washington, DC 20210. An annual State plan may be filed with ETA at any time. However, for an individual facility legitimately to attest to being subject to an annual State plan for the purposes of the fourth attestation element, Alternative II (see §655.310(g)(2)), such annual State plan shall have been approved prior to the date the attestation was submitted to ETA for filing and be in current effect. Therefore, if the Governor is aware that a facility within the State plans to submit an attestation for filing with ETA, the annual State plan should be mailed to ETA at least 35 days prior to the facility's submission of its attestation to ETA.

    (c) What overall issues shall the annual State plan address? The annual State plan shall address the overall issue of supply of and demand for nurses within the State, with particular emphasis on measures to develop a sufficient supply of U.S. nurses to meet projected demand. The State, as opposed to individual facilities, is in a position to—and may be expected to—address broad issues and perform such functions as conducting a Statewide needs assessment; overall management, facilitation and coordination among various interested entities within the State; and undertaking more regionally based approaches. The State is also in a position to devote resources which individual facilities may be lacking.

    (d) How should the annual State plan address the timely and significant steps? The annual State plan shall address all of the timely and significant steps in §655.310(g)(1)(i)(A)(1) through (g)(1)(i)(A)(5) generically, without regard to the specific criteria therein, on a Statewide basis. However, for the annual State plan to satisfy Alternative II of the fourth attestation requirement for an individual facility (see §655.310(g)(2)), the annual State plan shall indicate which of those timely and significant steps relate to individual facilities, and that each individual facility shall take such a step (either one step or more, as appropriate) to meet the appropriate specific criteria as set forth in §655.310(g)(1).

    (e) What other components may the annual State plan include? An annual State plan may include the following components:

    (1) The cooperation of high schools and colleges may be enlisted in counseling health workers and other individuals to enter the nursing profession.

    (2) Geographic and salary data may be made available to assist in linking nurses to facilities.

    (3) Publications of vacancies and programs may be made in industry and State newsletters.

    (4) Training films and videotapes, as well as information on housing and relocation services, may be developed and distributed.

    (5) Measures may be taken to encourage other health professionals to become nurses, such as: setting up home study programs with State licensing boards to allow work credits for purposes of meeting educational or State clinical requirements; entering into cooperative agreements for providing health care insurance and other job-related elements which would allow greater flexibility for those attempting to combine careers and school; providing monetary grants or long-term loans to persons preparing to become nurses.

    (6) Steps may be taken to encourage nurses who have left the nursing field to return to nursing, by providing such inducements as child care, holiday schedule adjustments, and substantial salary increases.

    (7) The State may profile and publicize those facilities with special model programs.

    (8) The annual State plan may place demands on facilities for comprehensive plans to reduce reliance on foreign nurses.

    (f) Approval and disapproval of annual State plans. Determinations of approval and disapproval of annual State plans shall be made by the Director, USES. The annual State plan shall be reviewed by ETA, in consultation with the Department of Health and Human Services, and a determination to approve or disapprove the annual State plan made within 30 calendar days of ETA's receipt of the plan.

    (1) If the annual State plan is approved, the Director shall notify the Governor in writing.

    (2) If the annual State plan is disapproved, the Director shall notify the Governor in writing, specifying the reason(s) for disapproval. The notice shall state that within 30 calendar days of the date of the notice of disapproval, the Governor may correct the deficiencies noted in the disapproval and resubmit the annual State plan to ETA; and shall inform the state of its right to an appeal, by quoting the language of §655.320(a).

    (g) An approved annual State plan shall be valid for 12-month period beginning on the date of its approval by DOL.

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1205-0305)