§ 655.350 - Public access.

Latest version.
  • (a) Public examination at ETA. ETA shall make available for public examination in Washington, DC, a list of facilities which have filed attestations, and such facilities' visa petitions (if any) for H-1A nurses, and for each such facility, a copy of the facility's attestation and any explanatory statements it has received; the annual State plan (if any) which relates to the facility's attestation; and a copy of each of the facility's H-1A visa petitions (if any) to INS. A copy of the latter shall be transmitted to ETA by the facility at the same time it is submitted to INS. The facility shall also forward to ETA a copy of the INS visa petition approval notice within 5 days after it is received from INS.

    (b) Public examination at facility. For the duration of the attestation's validity and thereafter for so long as the facility uses any H-1 or H-1A nurse under the attestation, the facility shall maintain a separate file containing the attestation and required documentation, and shall make this file available to any interested parties within 72 hours upon written or oral request. If a party requests a copy of the file, the facility shall provide it and any charge for such copy shall not exceed the cost of reproduction.

    (c) Notice to public. ETA periodically shall publish a notice in the   Federal Register   announcing the names and addresses of facilities which have submitted attestations; facilities which have attestations on file; facilities which have submitted attestations which have been rejected for filing; facilities which have had attestations suspended; States which have submitted annual State plans; States which have approved annual State plans; and States which have submitted annual State plans which were disapproved.

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1205-0305)

    [59 FR 882, 897, Jan. 6, 1994, as amended at 59 FR 5487, Feb. 4, 1994]