Subpart F - Attestations by Employers Using Alien Crewmembers for Longshore Activities in U.S. Ports  

Public Access
§ 655.550 - Public access.
Alaska Exception
§ 655.530 - Special provisions regarding the performance of longshore activities at locations in the State of Alaska.
§ 655.531 - Who may submit attestations for locations in Alaska?
§ 655.532 - Where and when should attestations be submitted for locations in Alaska?
§ 655.533 - What should be submitted for locations in Alaska?
§ 655.534 - The first attestation element for locations in Alaska: Bona fide request for dispatch of United States longshore workers.
§ 655.535 - The second attestation element for locations in Alaska: Employment of United States longshore workers.
§ 655.536 - The third attestation element for locations in Alaska: No intention or design to influence bargaining representative election.
§ 655.537 - The fourth attestation element for locations in Alaska: Notice of filing.
§ 655.538 - Actions on attestations submitted for filing for locations in Alaska.
§ 655.539 - Effective date and validity of filed attestations for locations in Alaska.
§ 655.540 - Suspension or invalidation of filed attestations for locations in Alaska.
§ 655.541 - Withdrawal of accepted attestations for locations in Alaska.
General Provisions
§ 655.500 - Purpose, procedure and applicability of subparts F and G of this part.
§ 655.501 - Overview of responsibilities.
§ 655.502 - Definitions.
§ 655.510 - Employer attestations.
§ 655.520 - Special provisions regarding automated vessels.
Appendix A to Subpart F - U.S. Seaports
Appendix A to Subpart F of Part 655 - U.S. Seaports