§ 656.50 - Petitioning process.

Latest version.
  • (a) Federal research agencies seeking to have prevailing wages determined in accordance with § 656.40(c)(2) shall file a petition with the Director, U.S. Employment Service.

    (b) The procedures and information to be included in the petition shall be in accordance with administrative directives issued by ETA that will specify the procedures to be followed and information that shall be filed in support of the petition by the requesting agency.

    (c) The Director shall make a determination either to grant or deny the petition on the basis of whether the petitioning agency is a Federal research agency, whether most researchers at the petitioning agency have a close relationship with teaching as well as research, and whether the employment environment for researchers at the petitioning agency provides significant intangible and nonpecuniary incentives of the nature found at colleges and universities.

    (d) Denials of agency petitions may be appealed to the Board of Alien Labor Certification Appeals.

    (1) The request for review shall be in writing and shall be mailed by certified mail to the Director, U.S. Employment Service, within 35 calendar days of the date of the determination, that is by the date specified in the Director's determination; shall set forth the particular grounds for the request; and shall include all the documents which accompanied the Director's determination.

    (2) Failure to file a request for review in a timely manner shall constitute a failure to exhaust available administrative remedies.

    (e) Upon a request for review, the Director shall immediately assemble an indexed Appeal File.

    (1) The Appeal File shall be in chronological order, shall have the index on top followed by the most recent document. The Appeal File shall contain the request for review, the complete petition file, and copies of all the written material upon which the denial was based.

    (2) The Director shall send the Appeal File to the Board of Alien Labor Certification Appeals.

    (f) In considering requests for review of denied petitions, the Board of Alien Labor Certification Appeals shall be guided by § 656.27.