§ 669.220 - What is the role of the NFJP grantee in the One-Stop delivery system?  

Latest version.
  • § 669.220 What is the role of the NFJP grantee in the One-Stop delivery system?

    (a) In those local workforce investment areas where the grantee operates its NFJP, the grantee is a required partner of the local One-Stop delivery system and is subject to the provisions relating to such partners described in 20 CFR part 662. Consistent with those provisions, the grantee and the Local Board must negotiate an MOU which meets the requirements of 20 CFR 662.300 and sets forth their respective responsibilities for making the full range of services available through the One-Stop system available to farmworkers. Where the Local Board is an alternative entity under 20 CFR 661.330, the NFJP grantee must negotiate with the Board on the terms of its MOU and the scope of its on-going role in the local workforce investment system, as specified in 20 CFR 661.310(b)(2). In local areas where the grantee does not operate its NFJP and there is a large concentration of MSFW's, the grantee may consider the availability of electronic connections and other means to participate in the One-stop system in that area, in order to serve those individuals.

    (b) The MOU must provide for appropriate and equitable services to MSFW's, and may include costs of services to MSFW's incurred by the One-Stop that extend beyond Wagner-Peyser funded services and activities.