Subpart A - Funding and Closeout  

§ 683.100 - When do Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act grant funds become available for obligation?
§ 683.105 - What award document authorizes the expenditure of funds under title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and the Wagner-Peyser Act?
§ 683.110 - What is the period of performance of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act title I and Wagner-Peyser Act funds?
§ 683.115 - What planning information must a State submit in order to receive a formula grant?
§ 683.120 - How are Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act title I formula funds allocated to local areas?
§ 683.125 - What minimum funding provisions apply to Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act adult, dislocated worker, and youth allocations?
§ 683.130 - Does a Local Workforce Development Board have the authority to transfer funds between the adult employment and training activities allocation and the dislocated worker employment and training activities allocation?
§ 683.135 - What reallotment procedures does the Secretary use?
§ 683.140 - What reallocation procedures must the Governors use?
§ 683.145 - What merit review and risk assessment does the Department conduct for Federal financial assistance awards made under Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act title I, subtitle D?
§ 683.150 - What closeout requirements apply to grants funded with Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act title I and Wagner-Peyser Act funds?