Part 722 - Criteria for Determining Whether State Workers' Compensation Laws Provide Adequate Coverage for Pneumoconiosis and Listing of Approved State Laws  

§ 722.1 - Purpose.
§ 722.2 - Definitions.
§ 722.3 - General criteria; inclusion in and removal from the Secretary's list.
§ 722.4 - The Secretary's list.
Action by the Secretary
§ 722.146 - Standards for review of a State workmen's compensation law.
§ 722.147 - Action subsequent to review.
§ 722.148 - Provisional approval.
§ 722.149 - Judicial review.
§ 722.150 - Reports.
§ 722.151 - Removal from the Secretary's list.
§ 722.152 - The Secretary's list.
Procedure for Determining Whether a State Law Provides Adequate Coverage for Pneumoconiosis
§ 722.103 - Application to the Secretary.
§ 722.104 - Contents of application, supporting documents.
§ 722.105 - Initial action on the request.
Criteria: Guarantee of Benefits to Eligible Individuals
§ 722.126 - Guarantee of benefits—generally.
§ 722.127 - Voluntary and elective compensation systems.
§ 722.128 - Responsible coal mine operators.
§ 722.129 - Insurance, self insurance.
§ 722.130 - State protections of benefits.
§ 722.131 - Contributions by miners.
§ 722.132 - Waiver of right to benefits.
§ 722.133 - Retroactive coverage required.
§ 722.134 - Residency requirements.
Criteria:Medical Standards for Determining Whether Miner’s Total Disability or Death Was Due to Pneumoconiosis
§ 722.117 - Medical criteria—generally.
§ 722.118 - Medical evidence.
§ 722.119 - Medical presumptions.
§ 722.120 - Total disability determination.
§ 722.121 - Cause of death.
Criteria: Claims for Benefits
§ 722.115 - Claims generally.
§ 722.116 - Time limitations on filing claims.
Criteria: Standards of Coverage, Eligibility
§ 722.110 - Coverage generally.
§ 722.111 - Miner.
§ 722.112 - Widow, surviving divorced wife.
§ 722.113 - Child.
§ 722.114 - Parents, brothers, or sisters.
§ 722.101 - Purpose and scope of this part.
§ 722.102 - Definitions and use of terms.
Criteria: Amount of Benefits: Medical Benefits
§ 722.135 - Amount of benefits, computation.
§ 722.136 - Augmented benefits.
§ 722.137 - Minimum benefit amounts.
§ 722.138 - Offsets for Federal benefits prohibited.
§ 722.139 - Lump sum awards; settlement.
§ 722.140 - Protection of benefits.
§ 722.141 - Payment periods.
§ 722.142 - Prompt payment of benefits.
§ 722.143 - Medical benefits.
§ 722.144 - Medical examinations, reex-aminations.
§ 722.145 - Vocational rehabilitation.
Criteria: Administrative Standards
§ 722.122 - Administrative standards—generally.
§ 722.123 - Cessation of payment of benefits.
§ 722.124 - Regulation of fees for legal services.