§ 722.126 - Guarantee of benefits—generally.  

Latest version.
  • It is the intent of the Act to insure that every eligible individual who has proven his entitlement to benefits for total disability or death due to pneumoconiosis shall be guaranteed such benefits whether or not there is in existence an employer, coal mine operator, or insurance carrier who is or may be adjudicated liable for the payment of such benefits. No State workmen's compensation law shall be included on the Secretary's list unless such law explicitly provides that every claimant who is, based upon the medical evidence and the evidence of such claimant's identity as a miner or eligible relation or dependent, entitled to receive benefits for total disability or death due to pneumoconiosis shall be paid such benefits either by a responsible coal mine operator or employer or such operator or employer's insurance carrier, or by the State from its general revenue or whatever funds are available for such purposes. A State must bear the ultimate liability for the payment of benefits to an entitled individual in all cases where no other source of benefits is available to such claimant.