Subpart J - Medical Benefits and Vocational Rehabilitation

§ 725.701 - What medical benefits are available?
§ 725.702 - Who is considered a physician?
§ 725.703 - How is treatment authorized?
§ 725.704 - How are arrangements for medical care made?
§ 725.705 - Is prior authorization for medical services required?
§ 725.706 - What reports must a medical provider give to OWCP?
§ 725.707 - At what rate will fees for medical services and treatments be paid?
§ 725.708 - How are payments for professional medical services and medical equipment determined?
§ 725.709 - How are payments for prescription drugs determined?
§ 725.710 - How are payments for outpatient medical services determined?
§ 725.711 - How are payments for inpatient medical services determined?
§ 725.712 - When and how are fees reduced?
§ 725.713 - If a fee is reduced, may a provider bill the claimant for the balance?
§ 725.714 - How do providers enroll with OWCP for authorizations and billing?
§ 725.715 - How do providers submit medical bills?
§ 725.716 - How should a miner prepare and submit requests for reimbursement for covered medical expenses and transportation costs?
§ 725.717 - What are the time limitations for requesting payment or reimbursement for covered medical services or treatments?
§ 725.718 - How are disputes concerning medical benefits resolved?
§ 725.719 - What is the objective of vocational rehabilitation?
§ 725.720 - How does a miner request vocational rehabilitation assistance?