§ 727.104 - Review by the Social Security Administration.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Notification. The Social Security Administration will notify each claimant who has filed a claim for benefits under part B of title IV of the Act, excluding miners who filed under section 415 of the Act, and whose claim was either pending or had been denied on or before March 1, 1978, that upon the request of the claimant such claim shall be either:

    (1) Reviewed by the Social Security Administration on the basis of the evidence contained in the claimant's file, in accordance with the amendments made by the Black Lung Benefits Reform Act of 1977; or,

    (2) Referred by the Social Security Administration to the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs in the Department of Labor for review based on the evidence contained in the claimant's file and any additional evidence the claimant seeks to submit, in accordance with the amendments made by the Black Lung Benefits Reform Act of 1977.

    (b) Response to notification. Upon receipt of a claimant's response or a response on behalf of a claimant to the notice required by paragraph (a) of this section the Social Security Administration will undertake to review the claim or refer the claimant's file to the Office for processing under § 727.107. If there is no response to notification sent in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section within 6 months from the date on which notice is sent, unless the period is enlarged for good cause shown, the claimant shall be considered to have waived the right to review by the Social Security Administration. The date on which notice is sent and the date on which a claimant's response is received shall be noted on an appropriate form by the Social Security Administration.

    (c) Change of election. A Part B claimant who has elected review by the Secretary of Labor may in writing revoke such election and elect review by the Social Security Administration at any time before being notified of the district director's initial findings on the claim (§ 725.410 of this subchapter). If such a revocation is made, the district director shall return the claimant's file to the Social Security Administration for appropriate processing. All documents received by the district director, except the documents changing the claimant's election, shall be deleted from the claimant's file before it is returned to the Social Security Administration.

    (d) Social Security Administration review procedures. Where the Social Security Administration determines that the claimant is eligible, the Administration will forward the claim file together with a copy of such determination to the Office for processing and payment in accordance with § 727.105 and shall so notify the claimant. Where it is determined that the claim cannot be approved, the Social Security Administration will transfer the claimant's file to the Office for further review in accordance with § 727.106, and shall so notify the claimant.