§ 1.1435 - What process applies to a petition requesting a waiver for a type of entity?  

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  • § 1.1435 What process applies to a petition requesting a waiver for a type of entity?

    (a) In general, the procedures set forth in § 10.30 of this chapter govern FDA's response to a petition requesting a waiver. An interested person may submit comments on such a petition in accordance with § 10.30(d) of this chapter.

    (b) Under § 10.30(h)(3) of this chapter, FDA will publish a notice in the Federal Register requesting information and views on a submitted petition requesting a waiver for a type of entity, including information and views from persons who could be affected by the waiver if we granted the petition.

    (c) Under § 10.30(e)(3) of this chapter, we will respond to the petitioner in writing, as follows:

    (1) If we grant the petition either in whole or in part, we will publish a notice in the Federal Register setting forth any requirements we have waived and the reasons for the waiver.

    (2) If we deny the petition (including a partial denial), our written response to the petitioner will explain the reasons for the denial.

    (d) We will make readily accessible to the public, and periodically update, a list of petitions requesting waivers for types of entities, including the status of each petition (for example, pending, granted, or denied).