§ 1.1465 - How will FDA update the Food Traceability List?

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  • § 1.1465 How will FDA update the Food Traceability List?

    (a) When FDA tentatively concludes, in accordance with section 204(d)(2) of the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, that it is appropriate to revise the Food Traceability List, we will publish a notice in the Federal Register stating the proposed changes to the list and the reasons for these changes and requesting information and views on the proposed changes.

    (b) After considering any information and views submitted on the proposed changes to the Food Traceability List, FDA will publish a notice in the Federal Register stating whether we are making any changes to the list and the reasons for the decision. If FDA revises the list, we will also publish the revised list on our website.

    (c) When FDA updates the Food Traceability List in accordance with this section, any deletions from the list will become effective immediately. Any additions to the list will become effective 2 years after the date of publication of the Federal Register notice announcing the revised list, unless otherwise stated in the notice.