Part 1240 - Control of Communicable Diseases  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 1240.3 - General definitions.
§ 1240.10 - Effective bactericidal treatment.
Subpart B - Administrative Procedures
§ 1240.20 - Issuance and posting of certificates following inspections.
§ 1240.30 - Measures in the event of inadequate local control.
§ 1240.45 - Report of disease.
Subpart C - XXX
§ 1240.40 - All communicable diseases.
§ 1240.50 - Certain communicable diseases; special requirements.
§ 1240.54 - Apprehension and detention of persons with specific diseases.
§ 1240.55 - Responsibility with respect to minors, wards, and patients.
§ 1240.57 - Members of military and naval forces.
Subpart D - Specific Administrative Decisions Regarding Interstate Shipments
§ 1240.60 - Molluscan shellfish.
§ 1240.61 - Mandatory pasteurization for all milk and milk products in final package form intended for direct human consumption.
§ 1240.62 - Turtles intrastate and interstate requirements.
§ 1240.63 - African rodents and other animals that may carry the monkeypox virus.
§ 1240.65 - Psittacine birds.
§ 1240.70 - Lather brushes.
§ 1240.75 - Garbage.
Subpart E - Source and Use of Potable Water
§ 1240.80 - General requirements for water for drinking and culinary purposes.
§ 1240.83 - Approval of watering points.
§ 1240.86 - Protection of pier water system.
§ 1240.90 - Approval of treatment aboard conveyances.
§ 1240.95 - Sanitation of water boats.