§ 201.59 - Effective date of 201.56, 201.57, 201.100(d)(3), and 201.100(e).

Latest version.
  • Link to an amendment published at 71 FR 3996, Jan. 24, 2006.

    (a) On and after December 26, 1979, no person may initially introduce or initially deliver for introduction into interstate commerce any drug to which §§ 201.56, 201.57, 201.100(d)(3) apply unless the drug's labeling complies with the requirements set forth in the regulations, with the following exceptions:

    (1) If the drug is a prescription drug that is not a biologic and not subject to section 505 of the act (21 U.S.C. 355), and was not subject to former section 507 of the act (21 U.S.C. 357, repealed 1997), §§ 201.56, 201.57, and 201.100(d)(3) are effective on April 10, 1981.

    (2) If the drug is a prescription drug that on December 26, 1979 is (i) a licensed biologic, (ii) a new drug subject to an approved new drug application or abbreviated new drug application under section 505 of the act or (iii) an antibiotic drug subject to an approved antibiotic form, §§ 201.56, 201.57, and 201.100(d)(3) are effective on the date listed below for the class of drugs to which the drug belongs. Dates are also listed below for the submission of supplemental applications, amendments, and license changes.

    (3) If the drug is approved after December 26, 1979 but is a duplicate of a drug approved on or before that date (for example, a drug approved under an abbreviated new drug application or an antibiotic form), §§ 201.56, 201.57, and 201.100(d)(3) are effective on the date listed below for the class of drugs to which the drug belongs. Dates are also listed below for the submission of supplemental applications, amendments, and license changes.

    EffectiveRevised labeling dueDrug classMail routing codeBiologicsNov. 1, 1982Nov. 1, 1980Bacterial vaccines and antigens with no U.S. standard of potencyHFB-240Do......doSkin test antigensHFB-240Nov. 1, 1982 1Nov. 1, 1980 2Bacteral vaccines and toxoids with standards of potency.HFB-240Do......doViral and rickettsial vaccinesHFB-240Do......doAllergenic extractsHFB-240Do......doBlood and blood derivativesHFB-240New Drugs and Antibiotic DrugsNov. 1, 1982Nov. 1, 1980AntiarrhythmicsHFD-110Do......doReplenishers and regulators of electrolytes and water balanceHFD-110, HFD-510, and HFD-160Do......doAnticonvulsantsHFD-120Do......doAdrenal corticosteroidsHFD-510 and HFD-150Do......doAminoglycosidesHFD-520Do......doScabicidesDo.Do......doPediculicidesDo.Do......doGeneral anestheticsHFD-160Dec. 1, 1982Dec. 1, 1980AntiviralsHFD-520Do......doDermatologicsDo.Jan. 1, 1983Jan. 1, 1981Glaucoma ophthalmicsHFD-520Do......doTopical oticsDo.Feb. 1, 1983Feb. 1, 1981AntispasmodicsHFD-110Do......doAnticholinergicsDo.Do......doDiureticsDo.Do......doNarcotic antagonistsHFD-120Do......doAlcohol antagonistsDo.Do......doAntipsychotics/antimanicsDo.Do......doAndrogensHFD-510Do......doAnabolic steroidsDo.Do......doHyperlipidemiaDo.Do......doAnthelminticsHFD-520Do......doAntigoutHFD-150Mar. 1, 1983Mar. 1, 1981Vaginal antibioticsHFD-520Apr. 1, 1983Apr. 1, 1981CephalosporinsHFD-520May 1, 1983May 1, 1981General analgesicsHFD-120Do......doAnterior pituitary hormonesHFD-510Do......doHypothalamic hormonesDo.Do......doProgestinsDo.Do......doMydriatic ophthalmicsHFD-520Do......doCycloplegic ophthalmicsDo.Do......doRadiopharmaceuticals, diagnosticHFD-150Do......doRadiopharmaceuticals, therapeuticDo.Do......doContrast agents diagnostic radiopaqueDo.Do......doLocal anestheticsHFD-160Do......doAntihistaminesDo.June 1, 1983June 1, 1981AntifungalsHFD-520July 1, 1983July 1, 1981AntidiarrhealsHFD-110Do......doCardiac glycosidesDo.Do......doSedativesHFD-120Do......doHypnoticsDo.Do......doTetracyclinesHFD-520Aug. 1, 1983Aug. 1, 1981Calcium metabolismHFD-510Do......doVitamins and mineralsDo.Do......doAntiinfective ophthalmicsHFD-520Do......doAntiinflammatory ophthalmicsDo.Sept. 1, 1983Sept. 1, 1981AntihypertensivesHFD-110Do......doDrugs indicated for extrapyramidal movement disordersHFD-120Do......doAntiprotozoalsHFD-520Oct. 1, 1983Oct. 1, 1981PenicillinsHFD-520Nov. 1, 1983Nov. 1, 1981Blood glucose regulators (except sulfonylureas)HFD-510Oct. 9, 1984July 10, 1984Sulfonylurea blood glucose regulatorsHFN-130Nov. 1, 1983Nov. 1, 1981Drugs indicated for parenteral nutritionHFD-510 and HFD-160Do......doDrugs indicated for enteral nutritionDo.Do......doMiscellaneous ophthalmicsHFD-520Do......doImmunomodulatorsHFD-150Dec. 1, 1983Dec. 1, 1981AnticoagulantsHFD-110Do......doThrombolyticsDo.Do......doDrugs indicated for acid peptic disordersDo.Do......doAntidepressantsHFD-120Do......doDrugs indicated for skeletal muscle hyperactivityDo.Do......doSulfonamides and related sulfa compoundsHFD-520Do......doDental preparationsHFD-160Jan. 1, 1984Jan. 1, 1982Miscellaneous antibacterialsHFD-520Feb. 1, 1984Feb. 1, 1982Drugs indicated for infertilityHFD-510Do......doThyroidsDo.Do......doAntithyroidsDo.Do......doPolymyxinsHFD-520Do......doAntineoplasticsHFD-150Mar. 1, 1984Mar. 1, 1982Urinary tract stimulantsHFD-110Do......doUrinary tract relaxantsDo.Do......doAntimigraineHFD-120Antimycobacterials (including antileprosy)HFD-520Do......doAdjuncts to anethesiaHFD-160Apr. 1, 1984Apr. 1, 1982AntianginalsHFD-110Do......doLaxativesDo.Do......doCNS stimulantsHFD-120Do......doAnorexiantsDo.Do......doChloramphenicol and derivativesHFD-520May 1, 1984May 1, 1982Drugs indicated for vertigo/motion sickness/vomitingHFD-120Do......doAntidiureticsHFD-510Do......doContraceptivesDo.Do......doMacrolidesHFD-520Do......doLincosamidesDo.Do......doAntiarthriticsHFD-150Do......doAntitussivesHFD-160Do......doExpectorantsDo.Do......doInhalantsDo.June 1, 1984June 1, 1982Urinary tract antisepticsHFD-520July 1, 1984July 1, 1982Chelating agents/heavy metal antagonistsHFD-110Do......doAll other gastrointestinal drugsHFD-110Do......doAntianxietyHFD-120Do......doDrugs indicated for myasthenia gravisHFD-120Do......doAll other antiinfective drugsHFD-520Do......doBronchodilators/antiasthmaticsHFD-160Aug. 1, 1984Aug. 1, 1982EstrogensHFD-510Do......doUterine stimulantsHFD-510Do......doUterine relaxantsDo.Sept. 1, 1984Sept. 1, 1982Drugs indicated for hypotension and shockHFD-110Oct. 1, 1984Oct. 1, 1982All other cardiac drugsHFD-110Do......doNasal decongestantsHFD-160Nov. 1, 1984Nov. 1, 1982All other prescription drugs1 Except the effective date for all biological products reviewed generically by the advisory panel is 30 months after a final order is published under 21 CFR 601.25(g).2 Except the due date for all biological products reviewed generically by the advisory panel is 6 months after a final order is published under 21 CFR 601.25(g).

    (b) Section 201.100(e) is effective April 10, 1981.

    Effective Date Note:

    At 71 FR 3996, Jan. 24, 2006, § 201.59 was removed, effective June 30, 2006.