§ 556.732 - Tiamulin.  

Latest version.
  • § 556.732 Tiamulin.

    A tolerance of 0.6 part per million is established

    (a) Acceptable daily intake (ADI). The ADI for total residue of tiamulin is 25 µg/kg of body weight per day.

    (b) Tolerances. The tolerance for 8-alpha-hydroxymutilin (marker



    in liver (


    (1) Swine. Liver (target tissue)

    of swine.

    [62 FR 12086, Mar. 14, 1997. Redesignated at 80 FR 13230, Mar. 13, 2015]

    : 0.6 ppm.

    (2) [Reserved]

    (c) Related conditions of use. See §§ 520.2455 and 558.612 of this chapter.