§ 864.9205 - Blood and plasma warming device.  

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  • § 864.9205 Blood and plasma warming device.

    (a) Nonelectromagnetic blood or plasma warming device -

    (1) Identification. A nonelectromagnetic blood and plasma warming device is a device that warms blood or plasma, by means other than electromagnetic radiation, prior to administration.

    (2) Classification. Class II (performance standards).

    (b) Electromagnetic blood and plasma warming device -

    (1) Identification. An electromagnetic blood and plasma warming device is a device that employs electromagnetic radiation (radiowaves or microwaves) to warm a bag or bottle of blood or plasma prior to administration.

    (2) Classfication. Class III (premarket approval).

    (c) Date PMA or notice of completion of a PDP is required. No effective date has been established of the requirement for premarket approval for the device described in paragraph (b)(1). See § 864.3.

    [45 FR 60642, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 52 FR 17733, May 11, 1987]