Part 192 - Victims of Terrorism Compensation  

Subpart A - General
§ 192.1 - Declarations of hostile action.
§ 192.2 - Application for determination of eligibility.
§ 192.3 - Definitions.
§ 192.4 - Notification of eligible persons.
§ 192.5 - Relationships among agencies.
Subpart B - Payment of Salary and Other Benefits for Captive Situations
§ 192.10 - Eligibility for benefits.
§ 192.11 - Applicable benefits.
§ 192.12 - Administration of benefits.
Subpart C - Application of Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act to Captive Situations
§ 192.20 - Eligibility for benefits.
§ 192.21 - Applicable benefits.
§ 192.22 - Description of benefits.
§ 192.23 - Administration of benefits.
Subpart D - Medical Benefits for Captive Situations
§ 192.30 - Eligibility for benefits.
§ 192.31 - Applicable benefits.
§ 192.32 - Administration of benefits.
§ 192.33 - Dispute.
Subpart E - Educational Benefits for Captive Situations
§ 192.40 - Eligibility for benefits.
§ 192.41 - Applicable family benefits.
§ 192.42 - Applicable benefits for captives.
§ 192.43 - Administration of benefits.
§ 192.44 - Maximum limitation on benefits.
Subpart F - Compensation for Disability or Death
§ 192.50 - Eligibility for benefits.
§ 192.51 - Death benefit.
§ 192.52 - Disability benefits.