Subpart A - Requirements for Application, Commitment, and Endorsement Generally Applicable to Multifamily and Health Care Facility Mortgage Insurance Programs; and Continuing Eligibility Requirements for Existing Projects  

§ 200.3 - Definitions.
§ 200.5 - Eligible mortgagor.
§ 200.6 - Employer identification and social security numbers.
§ 200.10 - Lender requirements.
§ 200.11 - Audit requirements for State and local governments as mortgagees.
§ 200.15 - Maximum mortgage.
§ 200.16 - Project mortgage adjustments and reductions.
§ 200.17 - Mortgage coverage.
§ 200.18 - Minimum loan prohibition.
§ 200.20 - Refinancing insured mortgages.
§ 200.21 - Reinsurance of Commissioner held mortgages.
§ 200.22 - Operating loss loans.
§ 200.23 - Projects in declining neighborhoods.
§ 200.24 - Existing projects.
§ 200.25 - Supplemental loans.
§ 200.30 - Nondiscrimination and equal opportunity.
§ 200.31 - Debarment and suspension.
§ 200.32 - Participation and compliance requirements.
§ 200.33 - Labor standards
§ 200.34 - Property and mortgage assessment.
§ 200.35 - Appraisal standards — nondiscrimination requirements.
§ 200.36 - Financial reporting requirements.
§ 200.37 - Preventing crime in federally assisted housing.
§ 200.40 - HUD fees.
§ 200.41 - Maximum mortgagee fees and charges.
§ 200.45 - Processing of applications.
§ 200.46 - Commitment issuance.
§ 200.47 - Firm commitments.
§ 200.50 - Building loan agreement.
§ 200.51 - Mortgagee certificate.
§ 200.52 - Construction contract.
§ 200.53 - Initial operating funds.
§ 200.54 - Project completion funding.
§ 200.55 - Financing fees and charges.
§ 200.56 - Assurance of completion for on-site improvements.
§ 200.60 - Assurance of completion for offsite facilities.
§ 200.61 - Title.
§ 200.62 - Certifications.
§ 200.63 - Required deposits and letters of credit.
§ 200.70 - Location and fee interest.
§ 200.71 - Liens.
§ 200.72 - Zoning, deed and building restrictions.
§ 200.73 - Property development.
§ 200.74 - Minimum property standards.
§ 200.75 - Environmental quality determinations and standards.
§ 200.76 - Smoke detectors.
§ 200.77 - Lead-based paint poisoning prevention.
§ 200.78 - Energy conservation.
§ 200.80 - Mortgage form.
§ 200.81 - Disbursement of mortgage proceeds.
§ 200.82 - Maturity.
§ 200.83 - Interest rate.
§ 200.84 - Payment requirements.
§ 200.85 - Covenant against liens.
§ 200.86 - Covenant for fire and other hazard insurance.
§ 200.87 - Mortgage prepayment.
§ 200.88 - Late charge.
§ 200.95 - Certification of cost requirements.
§ 200.96 - Certificates of actual cost.
§ 200.97 - Adjustments resulting from cost certification.
§ 200.100 - Insurance endorsement.
§ 200.101 - Mortgagor lien certificate.
§ 200.105 - Mortgagor supervision.
§ 200.106 - Projects with limited distribution mortgagors and program assistance.