§ 212.31 - Approval procedures for guidance documents identified as “significant” or “otherwise of importance to the Agency's interests.”  

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  • § 212.31 Approval procedures for guidance documents identified as “significant” or “otherwise of importance to the Agency's interests.”

    (a) For guidance a USAID B/IO proposes to issue, if there is a reasonable possibility a guidance document could be as “significant” or “otherwise of importance to the Agency's interests” within the meaning of § 212.31, or if the B/IO is uncertain whether the guidance could qualify as such, the B/IO should email a copy of the proposed guidance document (or a summary of it) to the M Bureau for review and further direction before issuance.

    (b) As with significant regulations, after appropriate internal consultation and review, the M Bureau will submit significant guidance documents that are otherwise of importance to the Agency's interests to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) within OMB for review and designation.

    (c) If OMB/OIRA determines a guidance document from a USAID B/IO not to be either significant or otherwise of importance to the Agency's interests within the meaning of § 212.31, the Bureau for Management may proceed with issuance. For each guidance document coordinated through the Office of the Administrator, the issuing B/IO should include a statement in the Action Memorandum to indicate that the OMB/OIRA has reviewed and cleared the guidance document in accordance with this process.