Part 214 - Advisory Committee Management  

Subpart A - General
§ 214.1 - Purpose.
§ 214.2 - Definition of advisory committee.
§ 214.3 - A.I.D. Advisory Committee Management Officer.
Subpart B - Establishment of Advisory Committees
§ 214.11 - Establishment and chartering requirements.
§ 214.12 - Considerations in membership selection.
§ 214.13 - Responsibilities within A.I.D.
§ 214.14 - Charter revision.
§ 214.15 - Changes in membership.
§ 214.100 - General.
§ 214.103 - Approval criteria.
§ 214.105 - Preliminary application process.
§ 214.107 - Approval by HUD.
§ 214.109 - Disapproval by HUD.
Subpart C - Termination and Renewal of Advisory Committees
§ 214.21 - Termination and renewal provisions.
§ 214.22 - Responsibilities within A.I.D.
§ 214.200 - Inactive status.
§ 214.201 - Termination of HUD-approved status and grant agreements.
§ 214.203 - Re-approval or removal as a result of a performance review.
§ 214.205 - Appeals.
Subpart D - Operation of Advisory Committees
§ 214.31 - A.I.D. Advisory Committee Representative.
§ 214.32 - Calling of advisory committee meetings.
§ 214.33 - Notice of meetings.
§ 214.34 - Public participation.
§ 214.35 - Minutes of meetings.
§ 214.36 - Records of advisory committees.
§ 214.37 - Public access to committee records.
§ 214.38 - Submission of reports to the Library of Congress.
§ 214.300 - Counseling services.
§ 214.303 - Performance criteria.
§ 214.305 - Agency profile changes.
§ 214.307 - Performance review.
§ 214.309 - Reapproval and disapproval based on performance review.
§ 214.311 - Funding.
§ 214.313 - Housing counseling fees.
§ 214.315 - Recordkeeping.
§ 214.317 - Reporting.
Subpart E - Administration of Advisory Committees
§ 214.41 - Support services.
§ 214.42 - Uniform pay guidelines.
§ 214.43 - Agency records.
§ 214.44 - Annual review and reports.
§ 214.500 - Audit.
§ 214.503 - Other requirements.
Subpart F - Administrative Remedies
§ 214.51 - Administrative review of denial for public access to records.
§ 214.52 - Administrative review of other alleged non-compliance.