§ 235.325 - Qualified cooperative members.  

Latest version.
  • The following cooperative members shall qualify for assistance payments subject to the requirement of this subpart C:

    (a) A member of a cooperative association which operates a housing project financed with a mortgage insured under §§ 213.1 through 213.280 or §§ 221.502 through 221.790 of this chapter pursuant to Section 221(d)(3) of the National Housing Act provided:

    (1) The housing project has been constructed or substantially rehabilitated not more than two years prior to the filing of the application for assistance payments and the dwelling unit had no previous occupant, or

    (2) The cooperative member acquired membership and occupancy rights from one who was receiving assistance payments, or

    (3) The cooperative member meets one of the following qualifications:

    (i) The member's family is displaced from an urban renewal area, or as a result of a governmental action, or as a result of a major disaster as determined by the President.

    (ii) The member's family shall include five or more minor persons.

    (iii) The member's family shall have been occupying low-rent public housing at the time the application for assistance payments is filed, or

    (4) That, without such assistance, the cooperative member would be likely to be involuntarily displaced from a dwelling in the project in connection with its conversion from rental to cooperative housing. Provided, That any family (i) which, by virtue of threatened displacement from a unit in a housing project to be operated by a cooperative association would be eligible for assistance under this provision in order to occupy a one-family unit in the resulting housing project, and (ii) which is precluded from such occupancy and membership in the cooperative association because of a rule of the association, may be entitled to assistance under this section in connection with a single family dwelling or a one-family unit in another housing project to be operated by a cooperative association, which otherwise meets the standards of this subsection and which is located in the same market area.

    (b) A member of a cooperative association which operates a housing project which is financed under a State or local program providing assistance through loans, loan insurance or tax abatements, and which prior to completion of construction or rehabilitation is approved for receiving the benefits of this section.

    (c) Eligibility as a cooperative member under this subpart also requires eligible status with respect to citizenship or eligible immigration status determined in accordance with 24 CFR part 200, subpart G. (See § 235.13.)

    [45 FR 62796, Sept. 22, 1980, as amended at 46 FR 56422, Nov. 17, 1981; 46 FR 61455, Dec. 17, 1981; 51 FR 11219, Apr. 1, 1986; 53 FR 846, Jan. 13, 1988; 60 FR 14833, Mar. 20, 1995]