§ 236.715 - Determination of eligibility.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The housing owner shall determine eligibility following procedures prescribed by the Commissioner when processing applications for admission and tenant applications for assistance. The requirements of 24 CFR part 5 govern the submission and verification of information related to citizenship and eligible immigration status for applicants, and the procedures for denial of assistance based upon a failure to establish eligible immigration status.

    (b) The owner must use good faith efforts to admit tenants according to the following list, provided that the number of units authorized for a particular category would not be exceeded and provided that there is sufficient funding for the category:

    (1) First: Applicants eligible for Rental Assistance Payments;

    (2) Second: Applicants eligible to pay a below market rent under section 236;

    (3) Third: Applicants who can pay the Market Rent.

    (c) Before admitting an applicant who can pay the Market Rent, the owner must obtain written approval from HUD if at least 10 percent of the number of units authorized under the section 236 program are already occupied by tenants paying Market Rent.

    (d) Before admitting an applicant who will not receive the benefit of Rental Assistance Payments, the owner must obtain written approval from HUD if fewer than 90 percent of the number of units authorized under the Rental Assistance Payments contract are already occupied by tenants receiving such assistance.

    (e) Upon written request of the owner, the Commissioner may issue a written waiver of the requirements of paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section based on a finding of sufficient justification. Each such waiver shall be supported by a statement of the pertinent facts and grounds.

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control numbers 2502-0352 and 2502-0354)

    [51 FR 21862, June 16, 1986, as amended at 60 FR 14833, Mar. 20, 1995; 61 FR 13624, Mar. 27, 1996]