§ 302.2 - Central and field organization, established places at which, the officers from whom, and the methods whereby the public may secure information, make submittals, or request, or obtain decisions; and statements of the general course and methods by which its functions are channeled and determined.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The following are statements of the central and field organization of the Peace Corps:

    (1) Central Organization—(i) Director. As head of the Peace Corps, the Director is responsible for all the activities of the agency. He or she is assisted by a Deputy Director, a Chief of Staff, and the following staff units:

    (A) The Office of the General Counsel which provides legal advice and assistance relating to Peace Corps programs and activities;

    (B) The Office of Congressional Relations which serves as primary informational contact between Congress and the Peace Corps, advising the Director and other senior managers on governmental and legislative affairs;

    (C) The Office of Public Affairs which promotes awareness of the Peace Corps, monitors agency news coverage and prepares/disseminates national news releases and other information about the Peace Corps. The Office also coordinates agency activities and maintains files relating to graphic, photographic and audiovisual services and works closely with the Advertising Council on placement on public service announcements;

    (D) The office of Private Sector Relations/Development Education which coordinates private sector support and participation in Peace Corps activities;

    (E) The Executive Secretariat which manages correspondence and other documents on behalf of the Director.

    (ii) Office of the Associate Director for International Operations consists of the Regional Offices for Africa; Inter-America; and North Africa, Near East, Asia and Pacific; and the Office of Training and Program Support. The immediate office of the Associate Director includes the Overseas Staff Training and the United Nations Volunteer Program staff.

    (A) The Regional offices are responsible for the negotiation, establishment and operation of Peace Corps projects overseas and for the training of Peace Corps Volunteers for such projects. They also provide, on behalf of the Director, policy guidance and immediate supervision to Peace Corps staff and operations overseas.

    (B) The Office of Training and Program Support provides technical assistance and policy direction in the development of effective program and training strategies/designs, and coordinates a wide variety of program and training services.

    (iii) The Office of the Associate Director for Management consists of the following offices:

    A) The Office of Medical Services which provides medical screening for applicants and health care services to Volunteers and in-country staff.

    (B) The Office of Special Services which provides personal and administrative support to Peace Corps trainees and Volunteers, and their families.

    (C) The Office of Personnel Policy and Operations which provides Agency personnel services.

    (D) The Office of Financial Management which provides accounting, contracting and budget operations.

    (E) The Office of Planning and Policy Analysis which provides support to the Agency in the areas of policy, planning, assessment and management information.

    (F) The Office of Administrative Services which provides administrative and logistical support to the Agency.

    (G) The Office of Information Resources Management which manages the Agency's information resources and central computer facility.

    (H) The Office of Compliance which carries out Agency audit, investigation, internal controls and equal opportunity functions.

    (iv) The Office of the Associate Director for Volunteer Recruitment and Selection consists of the following offices:

    (A) The Office of Recruitment which directs the operational and managerial aspects of headquarters and domestic field recruitment activities in support of the recruitment of qualified Peace Corps trainees.

    (B) The Office of Placement which conducts final placement, processing and orientation of Peace Corps applicants in preparation for final selection and training.

    (2) Domestic Field Organization

    Regional Peace Corps Recruitment Offices: (i) Chicago Regional Office, 175 West Jackson Boulevard, Room A-531, Chicago, Illinois 60604. (Oversees Area Offices in Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, Kansas City and Minneapolis.)

    (ii) New York Regional Office, 1515 Broadway, Room 3515, New York, New York 10036. (Oversees Area Offices in Miami, Puerto Rico, Washington, DC, Philadelphia, New York City and Boston.)

    (iii) San Francisco Regional Office, 211 Main Street, Room 533, San Francisco, California 94105. (Oversees Area Offices in San Francisco, Seattle, Denver, Los Angeles, and Dallas.)

    (3) Foreign Field Organization—(i) Africa Region.

    (ii) Inter-America Region

    (iii) North Africa, Near East Asia and Pacific Region

    (b) Any person desiring information concerning a matter handled by the Peace Corps, or any persons desiring to make a submittal or request in connection with such a matter, should communicate either orally or in writing with the appropriate office. If the office receiving the communications does not have jurisdiction to handle the matter, the communication, if written, will be forwarded to the proper office, or, if oral, the person will be advised how to proceed.